Software codes of
Reality, Life and Languages!
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Part 2
CHAPTER NINE - The leak in the aura!
This writing is a continuation of my book: Codes of reality! What is language? Only persons who have read that book (free online download) can fully understand the basics of the logic that is being used here. Maybe this article also will be inserted into that book when it goes in for a printed version.
Feudal or hierarchal structured languages are a kind of software entirely different from such language software like English. This has been explained in my books.
Actually the immense possibilities that are there in languages are not fully known. It is like a pack of playing cards. On seeing one such pack, one would not imagine the immensity of games and magic tricks that can be played and done using them. As one sees each magic or comprehends a new game, there would a new understanding that is also possible by using the playing cards.

The various numbers, and symbols i.e. Spade, Claver, Diamonds & Hearts, the different and varying sequences that can be made based on numbers in descending or ascending order, based on the symbols, and also based on the numerical values given to such things as the Ace, Jack, King and Queen, and also to numbers also; the significance of Joker, and the power assigned to certain cards with certain numerical values; well all of them can make different games and magic tricks. Unless one sees the games or the magic tricks, one wouldnt imagine all these are possible with a simple pack of playing cards.
It is the same way with languages. The different words, usages, the values assigned to them and also assignable to them, the direction components that they forms, their angles and the angular components and much else do come to bring unimaginable things to reality. Well, this much is connected to my book: Codes of reality! What is language?
Now, let me bring in one theme that had not been fully annotated in that book, among the immensity of other things I had discussed.
It is about the theme of negativity. Well, it is true that there is ample discussion on this theme in that book. However I did not go into the details of what can be called the leak in the aura, power or internal stamina.
It is believed that if there is a water tap leak in the house, or something like that, it augurs or symbolises some kind of a loss of prosperity or wealth or something akin to that. Since I have proposed that reality is the working of some super software wherein everything is connected or related, it is possible that there is some kind of a truth in this.
The question that I want to discuss here is: What is the kind of leak or negativity that can affect a person? Well, it is here the debate goes again into the difference between languages like English and feudal languages, such as Indian languages.
Many of the things that I am going to list out wouldn’t be of much significance in an English social system, wherein everyone speaks in pristine British English (here I include American English also, which is actually only an extension of British English. Indian English is the total antonym of this in that it more or less embraces many of the feudal inputs in Indian vernaculars).
As explained in my book, feudal language codes do assign human beings, and institutions and even inanimate things with numerical values and angular components. All communication, verbal, non-verbal, at proximate distances and over detached distances, do create links. These links do carry power and do convey numerical values.
1. A very mention by a lower social order person of his relation who is something like a IAS/IPS officer, a political leader, a big person in society etc. will add numerical values to his innate codes. There can be a slight or powerful angular movement of his position in the virtual software arena. It shall be sensed or detected by other brain software of other persons around him. He would also feel the elevation of values within him.
2. The same can be achieved if another person also mentions the same.
3. The opposite will be achieved if the alluded to or mentioned person is a socially lower grade person in a particular context.
4. Visual scenes of a persons being surrounded by others who look at him as a sort of teacher, guru, master, social senior etc. will add to the numerical values. The scene need not be a correct one, but simply when a person enters a room, he momentarily sees this scene. It can be a powerful one, and can get conveyed to the various corners of the social system, if the seeing person is thus connected.
5. Visual scenes of a person being without any followers can have the opposite affect. For example, a person comes to see someone like a doctor, or a teacher or someone else. He is sitting alone, when actually there should have been some adjutants with him. This very scene conveys powerfully coded information that this man is a failure, and not a leader.
6. When a person is being discussed, the speaking man momentarily uses a lower word for He in the vernacular such as Avan, Ayaal, USS, and such, instead of Adheham, Avar, UNN etc. It is a very short code, not even quite clearly hear-able. Yet, it is a very powerfully defining word. So many other attributes of the discussed persons is very powerfully affected with this word.
7. The opposite is achieved when the discussing person uses momentarily a higher word. The whole codes powerfully attaching to the discussed person changes. Social standing, leadership, speed of action and much else perches on him.
8. A person who is not a labour or working class person by disposition works for another person or institution for a few days. Well, there is a change in the words, which can have great social negativity.
9. A socially inferior person shakes the hand of a person who is a socially superior person. Well, he can feel a drain of energy. This superiority can be connected to so many things like age, profession, social standing, social connections, intellectual calibre and such. Again, the gravity of the drain is connected to whether other persons in the society saw this action, and how they perceived it. At the same time, the other person would immediately feel the entry of some energy.
10. This issue is different from the handshake given by politicians. For, the issue of leadership is also different from an English understanding of leadership. It needs another detailed discussion.
All these things are more or less connected to tangible links that carry the codes to others in the social system. But what about non-tangible links?
11. A person who is mentally or professionally on elevated mental or social standards compared to the locals in the surrounding social system. His wife moves with lower class persons in the social order at a level of equality or of subordination due to age or something similar. What then? Well, he is affected with a negative value entry. It can really be of great significance, and may even cause mental trauma, physical distress and such. He may really feel a enveloping power pulling him down.
12. Son of a social senior person marries a girl from a lower social order. In Indian systems, he is putting himself into certain other subordinations, connected to words and usages, which the lower class will use on him, using his connection to the lower class wife. {At the same time, his wife would feel a very powerful upward push.}
13. The same can happen if a higher class woman marries a lower social class man. For, in India words allow much access and rights to many others to encroach into private arena. For instance, such persons who powerfully define themselves as uncle, aunt, elder brother, elder sister (all of them need not be direct, but far removed) do have rights that the lower words such as Nee, thoo, avan, aval, uss and such things naturally lend to them.
14. Since there is a powerful software arena that is connected to reality, and the language system that encases us, it is quite possible that negativity and also positive energy can get conveyed and deposited without real physical contact. For, the simple happening of a socially elevated persons wife joining as a staff among lower class employees can convey powerful numerical value depreciation on the person. It can have deadening affects. However what he has lost would be gained by the employees who work with his wife.
Now, coming back to the leaking tap, if at all it is denoting a leak, it need not be simply financial leak, but any other leak detected by the software codes.
Even though it may be argued that all this are there in English also, the vital truth is that it is not so. For, English does not have the differing codes for You, He, She, His, Her, Her, Him, Her, and such words as Eda, Edi and many more, that do not have any equivalents in English.
The only area in an English social system where all this can have slight relevance is the border area where the nobility and monarchy of the British nation connects with the commoners. It is a slight area, and the problems wouldnt be much unless there is something like a marriage between a royal personage and a commoner. Here also, there need not be many issues, for most of the words for You and He, and She, Him and Her, and them do not have varying forms.
Beyond that if any reader thinks that all that I have written is nonsense, I would request him to go through my books.
For, any uneducated man can simply say:
Classical mechanics is nonsense, Relativity is a sheer senseless thinking, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle has no basis and such words.
He or she should not propose such things unless he has the capacity to study the basics. Once he has done that, maybe he can find the inaccuracies in the theories. Otherwise it is just empty talk.
0. Book profile
3. The Software
6. The Evil Eye and other effects
7. The dynamic metre and the multidimensional
9. Strings in the marital system
3. Secondary codes and Human psyche
4. Secondary Codes and diseases
5. The potential levels and the energy in the code links
6. An appraisal of mental sciences
8. Homeopathy: A question of perception