Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
12. India overrunning England
Here, I am take a brief detour and take up the possibility of Indian military over-running England. Actually the real possibility of such an eventuality is illustrated in this book in one or two locations. I will mention them later.
The moment India takeover any part of England, there will be a very concerted effort to compulsorily teach Hindi or any other terrific feudal languages to the populace there, especially the younger generation. Once this is achieved, all that the Indian side has to do to shackle the captive English population into a level of nitwits would be to shift the communication to the feudal language. These are ideas and information on which the native-English mind has no ken. After all it was native-Britain that made Robert Clive commit suicide. Clive did know things which he did not have right words to explain in English. After all, the concept of software came only quite recently.
Even though in South Africa, the native-English has come to a most inglorious connection with the Continental Europeans as of now, the truth is that over the centuries, the native-English did keep a distance from the Continental Europeans, both culturally as well as attitudinal-wise.
In my own Commentary on Malabar Manual, I did write the following words about the Dutch.
QUOTE: It is possible that the Dutch language is comparatively of a lesser feudal content than German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. This is my own summarisation based slightly on the fact that they were more sane and soft in many of their historical activities when compared to that of the German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. It must be admitted that I do not know much about the Dutch, or even about the mentioned other four nations, here.
It is just a gut feeling, that this is so. May be it is due to the fact that they could collaborate with the English people to create a wonderful nation in South Africa. END OF QUOTE.
I must admit that the above words of mine might not be true or correct. My summarisations about the Dutch language as well as about the collaboration with the English could be wrong. In fact almost all that I wrote about the Dutch could be wrong. For, I had simply summarised that the Dutch language was soft. This wrong impression came upon me from the words I had quoted. However, on closer inspection now, I see that the comparison had been between German and English and not between Dutch and German.
In South Asia, the Dutch did try to follow a policy of military attacks and territorial occupation using force. Their aim was not mere trade, but empire building.
See this QUOTE from Malabar Manual: From a very early period in its history the English Company had set its face against martial enterprises. And Sir Thomas Roe, the Ambassador to the Great Mogul, had given the Company some invaluable advice which they took well to heart.
“The Portugueses”, he wrote, "notwithstanding their many rich residences are beggared by keeping of soldiers, and yet their garrisons are but mean. They never made advantage of the Indies since they defended them. Observe this well. It has also been the error of the Dutch who seek plantations here by the sword. They turn a wonderful stock; they prole in all places ; they possess some of the best, yet their dead pays consume all the gain." END OF QUOTE
The English policy was quite the opposite. See the words from Malabar Manual:
QUOTE 1: From a very early period in its history the English Company had set its face against martial enterprises.
QUOTE 2: So far indeed did the English Company carry this policy that they even forbade at times an appeal to arms by the factors for their own defence ; and the annoyances experienced in consequence of this were occasionally almost intolerable. But the strength of the Company lay in the admirable arrangements whereby they encouraged trade at their fortified settlements.
QUOTE 3: They established manufactures ; they attracted spinners and weavers and wealthy men to settle in their limits ; the settlers were liberally treated and their religious prejudices were tolerated ; the privacy of houses were respected by all classes and creeds; settlers were allowed to burn their dead and to observe their peculiar wedding ceremonies ; no compulsory efforts were made to spread Christianity, nor were the settlers set to uncongenial tasks ; shipping facilities were afforded ; armed vessels protected the shipping ; all manufactured goods were at first exempted from payment of duty ; the Company coined their own money ; and courts of justice were established ; security for life and property in short reigned within their limits END OF QUOTEs
Actually the real reason that the English held on was the planar quality of their language.
In South Africa, it is tragic that England had to collaborate with the Dutch, at last.
In fact, parts of South Asia came under the English rule, not due to any concerted Empire building programme on the part of the English East India Company, but rather because the French went on encouraging the native kings and other rulers to attack the Company. However, at the end of each of the confrontations, the French side would be vanquished and the English side would extend their territory.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous