Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
19. Bushmen versus the native African encroachers
QUOTE: As in every instance where the stronger races have come in contact with these aboriginal hunters, the Koranas, Griquas, and Batlapin displayed the utmost vindictiveness towards them. It seemed a strange perversion of ideas in all these tribes, which were accustomed to condemn the Bushmen with such vehemency as rogues, that they should themselves be professional thieves whenever they had an opportunity. The only difference between them as to roguery was that the Bushmen stole in small companies and the others in large parties like an army. The same way of judging, however, is as common in Europe, the crime and the charge seem both lost where the perpetrators are numerous.
Native-English colonialism was built up by very miniscule number of Englishmen. However, they were supported by the lower classes of the colonial areas. But then even the higher classes of the colonial areas also supported them. For, it was quite plainly seen that they were the only population group who were honest and committed to their word.
See these Quotes from Travancore State Manual by V Nagam Aiya, a native of South Asia:
QUOTE 1: In 1750 A.D. the French attempted to form a settlement at Colachel. It does not appear that they were successful. In the next year the Rajah of Travancore wrote to the King of Colastria ‘advising him not to put any confidence in the French, but to assist the English as much as he could’”.
QUOTE 2: Ever since the death of the faithful Dalawa, the Maharajah (Marthanada Varma, king of Travancore) was slowly pining away. On the 27th Mithunam 933 M.E (July 1758), he knew his end was approaching and so called his nephew the Elaya Rajah to his bed-side and gave him the following advice: —
“That, above all, the friendship existing between the English East India Company and Travancore should be maintained at any risk, and that full confidence should always be placed in the support and aid of that honourable association.
END OF QUOTEs from Travancore State Manual.
QUOTE: Harassed and driven from one part of their ancient hunting-grounds to another, they seemed as if, finding that they could not drive the intruders back again, a wild and uncontrollable spirit of revenge was taking possession of them, while the greater portion of their enemies appeared to have formed the determination to extirpate them from the face of the earth.
I do have fears that in the coming centuries, the native-English posterity would also behave in a ‘wild and uncontrollable spirit of revenge’.
QUOTE: The quiet he speaks of was the quiet of annihilation. It was the peace of death !
The outsiders who have barged into England would in later centuries engage themselves in bringing in peace inside England by the extermination of the native-English race.
QUOTE: the Koranas had been engaged from time immemorial in the most rancorous hostilities with the Bushmen, and it was a long time before they could be persuaded to look at a Bushman without attempting to murder him, so deep was the inveterate hatred between the two races.
This was the way the native-Africans viewed the Bushmen, who had been the actual owners of the lands of South Africa.
QUOTE: In his later years' he added to his former declarations that as soon as he possessed the means he would go to Victoria and show her how unjustly he and his father had been dispossessed of their lands.
It is wonderful to see the above lines. Even though in most modern academic studies, England has been decried in very many ways, the fact remains that for huge sections of traumatised populations all around the world, England was the only source of solace. Even in South Asia this was the truth. I have indeed seen words similar to what has been mentioned above in other places.
Below is an excerpt from Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman written by Bradford, Sarah H. (Sarah Hopkins). It is a true life story detailing a scene of slaves escaping from the US to Canada.
Quote: The fugitives were on the bottom of the wagons, the bricklayers on the seats, still singing and shouting; and so they passed by the guards, who were entirely unsuspicious of the nature of the load the wagons contained, or of the amount of property thus escaping their hands. And so they made their way to New York. When they entered the anti-slavery office there, Joe was recognized at once by the description in the advertisement.
"Well," said Mr. Oliver Johnson, "I am glad to see the man whose head is worth fifteen hundred dollars."
At this, Joe's heart sank. If the advertisement had got to New York {See map}, that place which it had taken them so many days and nights to reach, he thought he was in danger still. "And how far is it now to Canada?" he asked. When told how many miles, for they were to come through New York State, and cross the Suspension Bridge, he was ready to give up.
"From dat time Joe was silent," said Harriet; "he sang no more, he talked no more; he sat wid his head on his hand, and nobody could 'muse him or make him take any interest in anyting." They passed along in safety, and at length found themselves in the cars, approaching Suspension Bridge. The rest were very joyous and happy, but Joe sat silent and sad. Their fellow-passengers all seemed interested in and for them, and listened with tears, as Harriet and all their party lifted up their voices and sang:
I'm on my way to Canada,
That cold and dreary land;
The sad effects of slavery,
I can't no longer stand.
I've served my master all my days,
Widout a dime's reward;
And now I'm forced to run away,
To flee the lash abroad.
Farewell, ole master, don't think hard of me,
I'll travel on to Canada, where all the slaves are free.
The hounds are baying on my track,
Ole master comes behind.
Resolved that he will bring me back,
Before I cross de line;
I'm now embarked for yonder shore,
There a man's a man by law;
The iron horse will bear me o'er,
To shake de lion's paw.
Oh, righteous Father, wilt thou not pity me,
And aid me on to Canada where all the slaves are free.
Oh, I heard Queen Victoria say,
That if we would forsake
Our native land of slavery,
And come across the lake;
That she was standin' on de shore,
Wid arms extended wide,
To give us all a peaceful home
Beyond de rolling tide.
Farewell, ole master, etc.
END OF QUOTE from Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman
However, the black slaves of the US are speaking to each other in English. And not in their varied native languages of Africa. This being so, actually the slaves life in the US would not be any kind of slavery if it is compared with what was the state of life of the lower classes of South Asia in those days. If the US blacks were slaves then, then the lower classes of South Asia were worms tied to the soil.
There is another instance of Queen Victoria being addressed by the people of Africa, which I have with me.
The book Martha Ann’s Quilt for Queen Victoria written by Kyra E. Hicks is the true story of Martha Ann, who is 12 years old, when her Papa finally purchases her freedom from slavery and moves the family from Tennessee to Liberia. On Market Days, Martha Ann watches the British navy patrolling the Liberian coast to stop slave catchers from kidnapping family and friends and forcing them back into slavery.
Martha Ann decides to thank Queen Victoria in person for sending the navy. But first, she has to save money for the voyage, find a suitable gift for the queen, and withstand the ridicule of those who learn of her impossible dream to meet the Queen of England. Her knowledge of Queen Victoria comes from reading a Liberian Newspaper. Source
However, going back from the US to Liberia does not seem to have been a sensible action, retrospectively.
In my own maternal side, there was my mother’s grandfather who used to sing praise of Queen Victoria in his evening hours, mentioning her as Amma Maharani (Great Queen mother). These are emotions that would not be found in the decrepit Indian history written by rank fiends, who are wallowing in huge government salaries of astronomical size.
QUOTE 1: Even when surrounded and borne down by a host of enemies, the Bushman seldom or never asked for mercy from his hated foes. Wounded and bleeding as he might be, he continued obstinately fighting to the last. Shot through one arm, he would instantly use his knee or foot to enable him to draw his bow with the one remaining uninjured.
QUOTE 2: All the available evidence, however, with regard to the vindictiveness of the Bushmen proves that it was not a part of their natural character, but rather a developed feeling which gradually took possession of their breasts
QUOTE 3: His last arrow was on the string. A slight feeling of compassion seemed at length to animate the hostile multitude that hemmed him in ; they called to him that his life should be spared if he would surrender. He let fly his last arrow in scorn at the speaker, as he replied that " a chief knew how to die, but never to surrender to the race who had despoiled him ! " Then with a wild shout of bitter defiance he turned round, and leaping headlong into the deep abyss was dashed to pieces on the rocks beneath. Thus died, with a Spartan-like intrepidity, the last of the clan. and with his death his tribe ceased to exist.
The above-mentioned qualities of the Bushmen actually required someone of the right quality to appreciate it. The Dutch were not the persons to do it.
QUOTE: On each occasion he allowed the interpreter, Du Plessis, then a boy of fourteen years of age, to enter his rock-fort to deliver his message, and then depart unharmed, without any attempt to molest him. It is well worthy of notice that the Bushmen, wild and untamed savages as they were considered, almost in every instance respected the person of an envoy sent to them
Actually these were the kind of qualities that held up the English East India Company as a group of individuals who would keep their word and would also be fair in their dealings. This stance is good only if they are in a strong position. For, when dealing with populations who are untrustworthy, their stance of fair-play would not be appreciated.
QUOTE 1: but the chief, although told by the messenger that to ensure his safety they would walk hand in hand until they came into the presence of the commandant, had no confidence in the promises made to him. At last, becoming impatient, he said, " Go ! be gone ! Tell your commandant that I am not a child, and that (striking his hand upon his breast) I have a strong heart here ! Go ! be gone ! My eyes cannot bear the sight of you longer ; and tell your 'Gousa my last words are that not only is my quiver full of arrows, but they are filleted also round my head, and that I shall resist and defend myself as long as I have life left ! 'Kamans ! Go ! be gone ! "
The envoy departed, and was allowed to return to the commandant in safety.
QUOTE 2: At length, probably from the diminishing number of his arrows, and under strong assurances that his life would be spared, he consented to capitulate. He left his cover, and advanced amongst them ; but immediately he was in their power, in utter violation of the promises that had been made, one of his enraged captors treacherously shot him through the head, and a heap of stones was hastily thrown over his body. Thus ended the career of the last of the Bok-poort Bushmen.
In the first quote, the Bushmen chief has no faith in the promises offered. However, he himself is quite fair in his dealings. The envoy is allowed to leave safely.
In the second Quote, the Bushman trusts the words of the Dutch attackers. He surrenders. But he is killed. Actually, this is the way it is when dealing with the uniformed forces of South Asia. I mean, India. If and when a person surrenders to them, he immediately is reduced to the lower grade Thoo / Nee level of addressing. Once this is done, he is mere cattle to them.
QUOTE 1: The undying attachment which many of these people displayed to localities where they and their fathers had lived has been too frequently and clearly demonstrated to admit of refutation.
QUOTE 2: Had they been men of any race except that of the despised and often falsely maligned Bushman, the wrongs which were heaped upon them, the sufferings they endured, their daring and intrepidity, their unconquerable spirit, and the length of the hopeless struggle they maintained when every other race was arrayed against them, coveting their land and thirsting for their blood, would have placed them, notwithstanding the excesses into which they were betrayed, in the rank of heroes and patriots of no mean order.
QUOTE 3: Their greatest crime being that they were the original possessors of the soil, a war of extermination was waged against them, until at last the miserable remnants of their once numerous race had to struggle for a precarious
It is quite curious that I find some strange resonances in the above statements with the tragic state of the native-English as of now. They are on their last stand, so to say. Even though they feel that they are quite strong, the fact is that everything that they have traditionally possessed is in danger of being taken-over by outsiders. Even their military would slowly transform into something eerie and monstrous, reflecting the new persons who would be the personnel inside.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous