Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
20. Effect of language codes
QUOTE 1: The photographs of Bushmen were supplied by Miss Lloyd from her large collection. They show the striking features of the people of this race : the hollow back, the lobeless ear, the receding chin, the sunken eye, the lowness of the root of the nose, the scanty covering of the head with little knots of wiry wool, and the low angle of prognathism as compared with negroes.
QUOTE 2: It seems somewhat surprising that so many writers have continued to class these people with the negroes and other dark-skinned, woolly-haired species of men ; whereas if we are to judge from their physical appearance, with the solitary exception of the hair, no two sections of the human race could be more divergent.
QUOTE 3: It is possible that the character of the hair may point to the fact that they hold a kind of intermediate station, a kind of connecting link, but still one more nearly related to the men of the north than the splay-footed, swarthy races of Central Africa.
QUOTE 4: Even the bones of the Bushmen show a marked difference from those of a large number of the negro type.
It is curious that a similar kind of ethnographic study had been done on a vast scale by Edger Thurston in South Asia. In his book, Castes and tribes of Southern India, he does describe how he went around measuring the dimensions of the skulls of different caste individuals, and tried to arrive at some powerful connection between caste and human skull design.
However, I personally think that he was on a very erroneous track. The real human and social designing is done by the powerful language codes. The language codes act upon a human being mind and body powerfully to chisel and hammer down the various anatomical parts. It also does the same action on the human mind.
However this is a phenomenon not understandable in pristine-English. And as of now, this has turned out to a very dangerous piece of ignorance, which literally is gnawing at the very vitals of all native English nations and social systems.
As to the Bushman looks, these things can be studied in relationship to their own native language codes, the language codes of the others around them, and even from the communication codes of the animals with whom they were in daily contact. However, only a researcher who knows what to look for can do this. A native-English researcher would not know what to look for. And a multiculture, multilingual swarmed-into-England researcher would not like to divulge what he or she knows.
QUOTE: while a noticeable alteration had taken place in their physical development. They were no longer tribes of diminutive dwarfs, but they had become a taller race of men, although still inferior to the more robust and manly Kaffir.
As to the above words, I think the gist has some connection to the affect of language codes, when they shift from one location to another. Interested readers are requested to check my book: Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages. See this Quote also:
QUOTE: One very striking feature in the pure Bushman race is their remarkably dwarfish stature
A very pointed enquiry can be initiated upon the Bushmen tribe persons who are currently US citizens, descendents of Bushmen individuals who had arrived there as ‘slaves’. It would be quite interesting to see the way the English language has redesigned their body features and facial demeanour.
QUOTE 1: Baines states that some of these Bushmen in the immediate vicinity of the Lake were fine fellows, six feet high..
QUOTE 2: He met them at Rapesh, under a captain named Haroye. " He and some others were at least six feet high, and of a darker complexion than the Bushmen of the south. They frequented the Zouga, and had always plenty of food and water. They were a merry laughing set."
The quality of the language, whether it is feudal or not, as well as the exact position of the individual inside the language would have a significant effect on the overall mental and physical stature of the individual. A merry laughing set would mean a mentally liberated group. This could reflect upon the physical stature also. My expression ‘exact position of the individual inside the language’ is also not an attempt at shallow verbal acrobatic. In feudal languages, there are heights and depths, and even their trigonometric components, wherein a person will be positioned according to his or level of ‘respect’. Even a very minute change in this precise position, can change the various links and strings and the powers of the uplifting, downgrading, pulling, pushing, hammering, chiselling etc. all of which will be continually bearing upon the individual. These are things about which a native-English individual has no information on.
QUOTE: The explanation of this apparent divergence is doubtless to be traced, as in other well-authenticated cases, to an admixture of foreign blood, rather than to mere variations of climatical conditions upon such nomads as some of the branches of this old hunter race, especially as we find such an admixture taking place upon other border lines, where other Bushman tribes have been thrown in contact with the stronger races that were being impelled upon them.
The effect of admixture of different ethnicities would no doubt have its affect. However, a change in the language system or mixture of language codes also would affect the looks. How much depends on many factors.
QUOTE: a grave of a Bushman captain or chief, which consisted of a large cairn of stones and branches of trees ; and every " Bushman on passing the pile was in the habit of adding a stone to the heap, as a mark of respect for the deceased."
The above mentioned ‘respect’ is actually a part and parcel of many feudal languages. In fact, this respect can actually be a sort of exhibition of ‘obsequiousness’ and need not be any kind of ‘respect’ as understood in English.
QUOTE: The huntsmen of the Kalahari constructed great lines of fences and a continuous series of pitfalls, which, when we consider the primitive and imperfect tools at their disposal to carry out such extensive works, requiring so large an amount of labour to accomplish, must excite our wonder, if it does not arouse our admiration of their perseverance and enduring energy, which such achievements unquestionably demonstrate.
Civic activities of each specific social system can be based on its language system. In a planar language system like that of English, there is a fetterless communication across the neighbourhood. This would lead to the creation of splendid social infrastructures of great quality. However, in a feudal language system, there is an element of forced labour and regimentation of labour. In fact, in South Asia most of the grand forts, palaces, waterways etc. would have been created by the use of forced labour. If this regimentation can be enforced very forcefully, the location would look quite spic and span. However, the place would be populated with a few percent of superior human beings and a huge percent of enfeebled ones.
QUOTE: Chapman states that there was a sociability about these Bushmen which was not always found among the members of tribes of other native races, thus when the larger game was scarce they would hunt all day for roots, bulbs, tortoises, etc., and then in the evening meet together to share and devour the spoils.
This again can point to some very specific language code that induces the sociability or it could point to some social machine like that seen in Christian churches and Islamic systems. These kinds of social machines can override the splintering codes of feudal languages to some extent.
QUOTE: They lived comparatively chaste lives, and their women were not at all flattered by the attention of their Bachoana lords. Instead of an honour, they looked upon intercourse with any one out of their tribe, no matter how superior, as a degradation.
This can be due to a terrific coding in the language codes. Usually in feudal languages, there is always a great aura of divinity that is seen to enwrap the superior person or group of persons. Women naturally sense it. In many social systems having feudal languages, the verbal codes of ennobling acts as a sort of aphrodisiac. However, in the above-mentioned case, the females seem to be above the tugs of these verbal codes. The language code location might need inspection to find out as how this is affected.
QUOTE: from the writer's experience some of their simple refrains had as much effect upon their feelings as our own more perfect and elaborate compositions have upon civilised men.
Without knowing the verbal structure of the Bushmen language it would not be possible to make any conclusive assertions. However, when speaking about the feudal languages of South Asia, it may be declared here that a definite beauty can be created in the songs and poems, by talented lyricists. The words have a 3-D ambit in the way it interacts with reality in the virtual software arena that exists behind physical reality. This is an information about which I cannot give more details. Interested reader can read my book: Software codes of mantra, tantra, witchcraft, black magic, evil eye, evil tongue &c. for more information on this.
Inside feudal languages, emotions that get entwined to the words and verbal codes can be pulled up and down, from the level of despicable levels to that of extremely fragrant golden areas. This is an information that the native English have no information on. See these Quotes from Native Life in Travancore written by The REV. SAMUEL MATEER:
QUOTE 1: QUOTE All singing and playing are in unison : harmony and part singing seem to be almost unknown in India, which causes their music to be generally uninteresting, if not repellent, to European ears. END of QUOTE
Now see the below Quote:
QUOTE 2: Sir W. Ouseley, in his “Oriental Collections,” says:- “A considerable difficulty is found in setting to music the Hindu ragas as, as our system does not supply notes or signs sufficiently expressive of the almost imperceptible elevations and depressions of the voice in these melodies, of which the time is broken and irregular, and the modulations frequent and very wild. END of QUOTE
Now see this Quote:
QUOTE 3: Many of the Hindu melodies possess the plaintive simplicity of the Scotch and Irish, and others a wild originality pleasing beyond description. END of QUOTE
In the first quote, Mateer mentions the general uninteresting nature of the South Asian music. However, in the third quote, he mentions the mystic beauty that the melodies can possess. Along with that comes the more interesting part that the melodies of South Asia do have qualities quite near to that of Celtic language melodies. I do remember proposing that the Celtic languages of Britain could have feudal language structure or something quite near to it.
See this quote also on the effect of verbal codes. In feudal languages, the affect is of the celestial levels.
QUOTE: Whilst 'Kouke was singing the upper line, the old man became visibly affected, and kept continually touching her arm, saying, " Don't ! Don't !
However, there is this refrain to be mentioned. In feudal language melodies, even a non-decrepit low-grade human personality can be swung momentarily right into the hallowed locations of high grade ennoblement by mere verbal acrobatics. This is a phenomenon that cannot be replicated in planar languages like English. However this relocation is only transient and has no material basis. The moment the music is stopped, the mind of the low-grade person comes slowly swinging back to his or her original low-grade personality in the feudal language. But then, the experience of the emotional swing is so high that the person literally has experienced a kind of hallucination. This can give a feeling that the feudal language, which actually degrades him or her, is a wonderful language.
QUOTE 1: This feasting and revelry was continued for three or four days, or until all their provisions were exhausted, during which time the lady visitors abandoned themselves to every species of licence, and had no cause for missing the absence of their husbands.
QUOTE 2: In this the women formed themselves into a circle similar to the preceding one, the chief took up his position in the centre, and frequently hopped and sprang round on all fours like some animal, the women in the meanwhile dancing and placing themselves in every possible lascivious position, until the great man in the centre pounced upon one of those who had most distinguished themselves and performed that in the sight of all which in more civilised communities is reserved for the strictest privacy, amid the applauding clatter of the excited dancers forming the enclosing circle.
When speaking about sexual morality, there are many things that might need to be understood. For instance, in the southern tip of South Asia, there is a caste known as Nair / Nayar, who in the earlier centuries were described as a kind of local Sudras. However, they were not the lower castes, but rather a middle level caste, just on the third rung of the social hierarchy under the Brahmins. In those days, Nair households and women were accessible for the local Brahmin caste members. Even though as of now, this social custom might be described as bad, the full truth is much wider than that. In feudal languages, there are persons on the higher levels of the verbal codes whose presence, association, touch, viewing &c. can be understood as a very positive item. At the same time, the same things done by a person positioned lower in the verbal codes, would be of the most drastic negative impact.
It would not be easy for a native Englishman to understand precisely how the verbal codes act to create such drastic effects.
Apart from the above, there is this sentence to be noted: ‘performed that in the sight of all which in more civilised communities is reserved for the strictest privacy’. Multi-culture inside native-English nations has literally replicated this scene over there. In the earlier days, the youthful mood had been captivated by the English classical literature and movies of that genre. As of now, multicultural porn businessmen have become the new social trainers.
QUOTE: We have learnt also something of their government, their character and domestic habits, their means of subsistence, their weapons and modes of hunting.
Actually the above claim might be quite shallow. It is similar to or reminiscent of the claims of the academic subject called Politics and International Studies, that it is able to understand nations across the globe. The fact is that native-English cannot understand feudal language nations. The whole social machinery is quite different from anything that is known to a native-English individual. The afore-mentioned academic subject is next to nonsense, and if the foolish technical words are removed from it, it might be quite near to zero in profundity.
QUOTE 1: but before doing so treacherously watched an opportunity, after they had been treated with so much hospitality, of seizing the Barolong cattle whilst they were grazing away from the town, and having two or three guns compelled the owners to flee.
Whilst here, a chief of the Batlokua, or the men of Ma-Intatisi, sent messengers to them, telling them they were to build walls round their kraals. This mission was to throw them off their guard, and the Bakuena, believing them, fell into the trap.
Actually treachery is encoded in feudal languages. However, whether this had an influence in the above instances might need to be studied.
QUOTE: The Baratlou, as we have already seen, had many contentions among themselves, each struggling for supremacy.
Might point to the presence of feudal language
QUOTE 1: The great happiness of the Bushman was however in his honey harvest, when the combs of the wild bees' nests were dropping with honey. It was then that he brewed his primitive mead, with which a certain root was mixed which rendered the beverage more intoxicating. This root however was kept a profound secret, except to a few chosen members of the ruling family..
QUOTE 2: From the researches of the writer, he is convinced that there were certain secrets among many of the tribes which were not known to every member of them, but which were kept as heirlooms in a certain branch or family, and which gave them a superiority over the rest, thus laying the first foundations of " caste."................................. This exclusive knowledge naturally gave rise to an amount of reticence on the part of those who were the guardians of these special secrets, that was most difficult to overcome.
QUOTE 3: until they became reverenced as the special keepers of those traditions which were ultimately deemed as possessing some mysterious and sacred authority, thus giving rise to the germ and the development of a priestly caste.
It is said that the safety of the Bushmen depended upon a certain powder, long kept as a most profound secret, which they sprinkled at night upon their camp fires, and to which the lions showed such an antipathy that they would not approach the spot.
See the above four Quotes. Whenever I see such exclusive attitudes, I suspect the existence of certain kinds of verbal codes in the language. May be it is some kind of feudal language codes, in which the Bushmen are at variance from the pristine-English stances. Or it can even be something akin to the Nobility as seen in Great Britain, wherein a particular kind of class system has managed to find a space and slot inside a planar language social system. Even though I cannot speak in a very categorical manner, I feel that any kind of class distinctions can be maintained only if there are some verbal codes that hold it in place. Even though English is a planar language, at the location where the nobility as well as the monarchy exists, the language codes do display some feeble kind of feudal language codes.
QUOTE: even among the Bushmen the truth of the axiom was recognised that " Knowledge is Power."
The above quote is actually, I think a maxim that is generally used by the native-English. The words are attributed to Francis Bacon, and from there to Thomas Hobbes words in Levianthan : scientia potentia est (Latin).
I am not sure as to how much the native English really understood this phrase. If they had understood its gist, I am sure they would not have gone around the world spreading English and various kinds of technical skill and professional acumen, including that of Medical education and computer using skills.
The real fact is that in feudal languages, it is not knowledge per se, that is power, but the higher position in the verbal codes in a language. Among the lower class technically skilled persons, the issue of knowledge converting into power exists. For this reason, among the working persons in India, there is a terrible kind of mutual competitiveness and jealousy with regard to knowledge. That is, no one who has a technical or other kind of information or skill will share it with others. Even the language English is not allowed to be learned by others. For, English is a communication software that can literally erase a lot of communication blocks in individuals. Allowing a competing person to learn English is akin to letting loose a dangerous adversary who had been held captive.
QUOTE: those near his great place were held in a state of abject servitude, and subjected to the greatest cruelty.
On one occasion, two horses having been suffocated in a quagmire, he ordered the two Bushmen who had charge of them to be bound to them and thrust back again into the morass, with an injunction not to lose the horses again.
The above words can be taken as evidence of some kind of feudal language codes in the communication system in this specific location. It need not be a common feature among all the Bushmen. In fact, in South Asia, I have found that different languages in neighbouring areas do have different social hierarchy encrypted in them. This can be detected only by a person who knows the languages, and does know what to seek for.
QUOTE: They were members of distinct tribes, having different languages, customs, and grades of honour, from that of the descendant of the colonial farmer to the very lowest state of degradation in the Bushmen.
The above statement is about the formation of Griquatown, with the active intervention of the London Missionary Society. The presence of social hierarchy which is akin to a caste system can point to the existence of feudal language or feudal languages in action among the native Africans and the Boers. English language cannot erase this effect unless the feudal languages are wiped out from the social system.
QUOTE: Again, in 1854, when this chief was attacked by Sekeletu, the son of Sebitoane, and the last of the Makololo chiefs, the Bushmen on this side thought it was a good chance to sweep off a lot of his cattle. His people could neither pursue, nor dare engage these " black serpents " of the desert, so after a while he dropped a hint that he supposed they thought he was dead and the cattle without a master, that they were hungry, and that now the affair was forgotten. He then sent a man with tobacco to buy skins of them, and having by a long course of deceitful kindness lulled their suspicions, he proclaimed a grand battue. Of course the quarry was the Bushmen themselves, who were surprised, disarmed, and brought before him where he was sitting on his veld-stool. He superintended the deliberate cutting of their throats, embittering their last moments by every taunt and sarcasm his imagination could supply. One of the actors in this bloody drama was afterwards in Chapman's service, and " related with great gusto the part he had sustained in it."
This kind of deceitful attitude is a hallmark sign of the presence of feudal languages if practised among human beings. For in South Asia, these kinds of terrific deceits are commonly practised by the higher classes upon the lower class individuals with no mental qualms. And the lower classes themselves practise such things amongst themselves, upon the weaker sections or individuals.
QUOTE: With these unfortunates, the cunning and treacherous Koranas, in order to deceive them and their pursuers, whom they supposed were now close upon their heels, left some of their plunder. The Matabili, overtaking the unsuspecting Basutu, and finding a portion of the stolen cattle in their possession, butchered in cold blood some ten to twelve hundred of these wretched victims to the baseness of the Koranas, and returned in triumph with the recaptured cattle and the spoils of the annihilated tribe to the great place of their master.
This is oriental cunning at its best. However, here it has been enacted by an African native tribe. The Continental European colonialists also must have been quite cunning.
QUOTE: Most probably the other names would be found to possess equally significant meanings, could they be rightly interpreted.
This again is a very pertinent point. Languages of South Asia are absolutely different from English. Whatever meanings, senses and interpretations that can be given to names, sentences and words in such languages in English, are just the narrow view and perspective from English. It is akin to understanding a carnivorous beast as a deer or something similar. Even names have specific social stature codes that come encrypted with various social rights, right to command and also duty to obey. Whatever English can understand of my statement can only be something that English can imagine. It will not come anywhere near to what the reality is. These are things to be known before native-English nations are declared as multi-culture. For, the other side consists of populations and peoples who have been able to keep huge numbers of populations under them as bound-to-the-soil slaves, with no chains or shackles, but only with mere verbal codes.
There is this statement in a report send by Col. Munro when he was the Diwan (Chief administrator) of Travancore for a few years. QUOTE: The influence of names is considerable, and the discontinuance of the title of karigars will be attended with advantage. END OF QUOTE.
However, the powerful load of information he intimated to England was not understood over there.
QUOTE: Their language was so different from that of the Cochoqua that they could only communicate through Chainouqua interpreters END OF QUOTE
Language is the vital encoding that designs the social system.
QUOTE: Thus, whilst they possess the physical characteristics of the Bantu nations, and are as a rule even blacker than the Ovaherero, and although they are as different in colour and stature from the Hottentots as it is possible for two races to be, still we find the remarkable fact that one language is common to both peoples.
It is a very curious statement. In that two different populations have the same language. Even in South Asia, different looking populations do currently speak the same language. However, in many cases on close observation, one might spy the fact that each of the different populations does occupy different hierarchical slots in the same feudal language.
QUOTE: The meaning of the word is equivalent to the expression, You showed us no mercy.
Verbal codes can encompass a huge amount of emotional content.
QUOTE: men of more robust build and of a fiercer and more warlike appearance, speaking a language altogether different in its construction, and therefore indicating an independent origin from that of the Bushman branch of the human family.
The above statement in the context of this book might be okay. However from a wider perspective, it is a very shallow statement. Just consider a native of South Asia born and bred in England, living totally secluded from all his or her antique linguistic culture. The only pristine-English ambience since birth will definitely create an individual who is totally different from his or her own family relations back in South Asia.
QUOTE: The farther north the traveller goes, the rougher and more rugged he finds the language ; the nearer he approaches the southern coast the more musical it becomes, the Sesuto being more musical than the Serolong, and the Kaffir more musical than the Sesuto.
Actually there will be a huge content of information in these things. However, as of now, the native-English have no means of even being aware of such a thing. The main issue is that they have been kept in the dark about various things connected to feudal and other kinds of languages. There is need to understand that languages are actually very powerful software applications, with myriad abilities.
QUOTE: the general name Bachoana signifies the men who are equals, those who are all the same, and seems to have arisen from the belief that they are all offshoots of one common stem.
It is not known as to how truthful the above statement is. The term ‘equals’ in various languages, is a very complicated word. The complexity is not easily understood in English. This is one very terrible issue facing the native-English population. Their concept of equality is not a concept different or apart from the general mood and codes of pristine-English. However, in other languages, the word ‘equal’, ‘equality’ &c. are mentioned in a very deliberate manner. I cannot mention more here. For, it is a huge content connected to language codes.
QUOTE: The infant progeny, some of whom are beginning to lisp, while others can just master a whole sentence, and those still further advanced, romping and playing together, the children of nature, through the livelong day, become habituated to a language of their own ; and thus from this infant Babel proceeds a dialect composed of a host of mongrel words and phrases joined together without rule, and in the course of a generation the entire character of the language is changed.
It is a very enlightening scenario. How languages were formed. However, actually languages are very powerful software, into which the brain software inputs a lot of terrific codes.
QUOTE: from constant intercourse with beasts of prey and serpents in their path, as well as exposure to harsh treatment, they appear shy and have a wild and frequently quick suspicious look.
Actually this so-mentioned ‘a wild and frequently quick suspicious look’ might have some connection to their language, and the location inside which they exist in mutual relationship to each other.
QUOTE: The old Korana captain, thinking they had come in the same friendly manner as before, hastened to meet them, and offered to the chief, according to their custom, sundry articles of food for himself and his people.
Feudal language speakers use affable friendliness as a weapon of conquest. There are indeed different word codes for pretended friendliness, which would abruptly change the moment, the mood changes to that of offence and attack. England has to watch out.
QUOTE: From the only reliable evidence which can now be obtained, it would appear that the title Hottentot is not of native origin, but a sobriquet given to them by the early Dutch traders from the almost unpronounceable character of their language.
Being unable to pronounce the words in the feudal languages of South-Asia was indeed a great blessing for the English East India Company in South Asia. For, this inability kept them safe from being made part and parcel of the barbarian social emotions of the feudal language speaking land.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous