Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
24. African social situation
QUOTE: but robbed from the Cochoqua and others, who on that account pursued them on every opportunity, and on coming up with them put them to death without mercy. They also plundered many people, not only of their cattle, but of their women, which robbery and abduction were much practised in war by all these tribes.
If this was South Africa, South Asia was not much different in those days, with regard to periodic barbarity.
QUOTE: Their wars generally originated in disputes about cattle, in which their chief wealth consisted, and frequently in one tribe boasting its superiority over another, which rousing the pride and rage of the party insulted, they flew to arms to ascertain which tribe was the strongest.
It is quite curious as to how quite like South Asian history, the above words sound. In South Asia, the native feudal language codes were entwined with the emotions of honour, respect to be extracted in the form of obsequiousness and words of servility from the other side. A very minute disinclination to exhibit it in the verbal codes could create uncontrollable emotional shock in the other side.
QUOTE: The sufferings however which the Namaqua endured both on this and on previous occasions had no effect in teaching them forbearance to those whom they found weaker than themselves, and whom they attacked in their turn ; and it cannot be questioned but that they were guilty of acts of equal barbarity, not only upon the Bushmen, but also upon the Ovaherero, or Damara clans, living to the north of them.
In feudal language social systems, there is actually no oppressor and no oppressed, in black and white. Anyone with the upper-hand will oppress the side which is weak. In the verbal codes, there is no space for politeness, rectitude etc. to be exhibited to the weaker side. Being weak itself will change the verbal codes.
In fact, in feudal languages, a solitary individual is markedly different from a person who has one or more subordinates. The very words You, He, She &c. will change in form.
QUOTE: Their modes of attack, the disguises they had worn, their appearance and their arms, the great achievements they had accomplished, and the mighty victories they had won, would be again and again recited. According to the descriptive powers of the ancient narrator, would the recital of their prowess be more and more elaborated and intensified, until the magnitude of their reported deeds would be considered something more than human, proving, as it would be said, the degeneracy of the men of their race then living.
Though the above words are about African Bushmen, the fact is that in most of the locations in South Asia, this is exactly one of the most prominently used routes to find out history. In fact, formal history is being corrected and rewritten by the film world and other media geniuses by glorifying events and persons beyond the defining qualities of the populations of the location.
QUOTE: the Bushmen shew in their paintings the earliest stages of the process of exaltation ; while the sculptured and pictured remains of the ancient Hindus, the Assyrians, and the Egyptians display, among the other creeds, its highest elaboration and development.
The above quote might be quite shallow in that, it might have been written without any deep information on various things mentioned.
QUOTE: An instance has been given in the reminiscences of another tribe of an old reclaimed cannibal, whose mouth watered as he was conversing in his old age with a too tempting individual.
The above statement goes to show some of the native emotions and cravings of some of the native folks of Africa.
QUOTE: At Barmen Baines saw several hapless women, who had been mercilessly crippled in some of these cattle raids by the same inhuman wretches, who had cut off their feet as the easiest way of obtaining their iron anklets !
Feudal language speakers are generally savages akin to wild animals. I should categorically mention that not only many Asians, and African populations, but even some of the Continental European populations are of the same content. However being near to England might have subdued their savageness over the centuries. That has happened all over the world, including in South Asia, when the native-English came near them. However the pristine-English population of yore might have vanished from even England as of now. For, pristine-English populations are those who are born and bred among native-English people. They are not individuals who have feudal language speakers all around them. Nor are they the persons who have had education under the feudal language speakers.
QUOTE: The Ovaherero like the Namaqua despise the Berg-Damara as heartily as possible. These, they declare, stand quite on a level with the baboons which inhabit the rocks, and dig up uintjes like the Berg-Damara. Nothing excites the laughter of the Ovaherero so much as to say that the Berg-Damara are as good men as themselves.
There is repulsion to certain other populations. It is just like in South Asia. People do take pain to convey the information that they are different from certain others. And in many cases, this would be true also. However, the slender difference might not be detectable to an outsider to the language system.
QUOTE: They were often at war with the Namaqua, generally in consequence of their stealing women from each other.
This is just another provocation for war. There are no specific civilised codes for national or international or social interaction. All these civilised and polite codes appeared in many locations only after the English colonial rule arrived.
QUOTE: Heaven knows some of us are bad enough, but the utter want of decency, and even of common humanity, apparent here seems to be the rule, and not the exception.
Here worthy of remark is the word ‘us’. Nowadays it is a fashion to speak of all human beings as a single ‘we’ or ‘us’. Actually human beings are not one single ‘entity’. Human beings are very dangerous to other human beings. Actually the only human being population which might be seen as different and good were the native-English. All others were worse than wild animals to each other.
I am quoting from two sections in Malabar Manual written by William Logan. The incidences are connected to fights in which the native-English were in charge of one side. Their main soldiery were the native soldiery from the local population group known as ‘Nayars’. See the native SouthAsian brutality against the natives of the same subcontinent:
Quote 1: Captain Lane bombarded it at pistol-shot distance from 6A.M. to 3A.M. After its surrender, the whole of the garrison, men, women and children, were Captain Lane reported, “cruelly—shamefully— and in violation of all laws divine and humane, most barbarously butchered” by the Nayars, notwithstanding the exertions of the English officers to save them. End of Quote
Quote 2: A large body (300) of the enemy, after giving up their arms and while proceeding to Cannanore, were barbarously massacred by the Nayars. By the Chief’s exertions 600 or 700 more were saved and taken to Tellicherry. A third body of 200 horse and foot, while trying to escape inland, was cut off by the Nayars. The loss of the allies was not very great, the English lost five natives killed and 8 wounded. End of Quote from MALABAR MANUAL.
QUOTE: before they were plundered by the Namaqua Hottentots — a rich and industrious nation, capable not only of working in metals, but also of undertaking works of no small importance, such as sinking wells of ninety or a hundred feet in depth, with a spiral path cut round the sides to enable people to descend to the water.
There is something to be said about the above words. In South Asia, there were traditional blacksmiths, potters, carpenters of fabulous skills who could design huge buildings &c. However, they were not the upper classes in the social system, but were more or less the relatively lower castes and classes. The upper classes who were the standard bearers of the social system treated them with disdain in body language as well as in language codes. At the same time, they were bereft of most technical skills. In a very cunning contorted projection of reality, it is the higher classes and castes who are currently promoted in the insipid Indian academic history book as having had remarkable intellectual and technical acumen. To support this idea, mention is made of Vedic text &c. which actually have very feeble connection with current-day India and Indian populations No one really knows who created the Vedic texts with what software machinery.
QUOTE: we have the industrious Ovambo, skilled in the working of metals, displaying an energy in overcoming the difficulties of nature unparalleled in any other native tribe of South Africa, exhibiting also in the neatness and extent of their dwellings and in their passionate love for agricultural pursuits, all the characteristic traits of the most advanced of the Basutu tribes, such as the Bakuena, the Bamangwato, and others.
Africa is a very big continent. Populations having various levels of social standards would have been in existence over there. However, the ease by which the swarming in other populations can come in can spell disaster to these refined social systems. The same was the danger that the pristine-England of yore faced.
QUOTE: ; moreover, these Koranas were also unacquainted with the use of poison to render their arrows more efficacious and fatal, until they acquired this knowledge from the Bushmen, from whom they first obtained their supplies, but who for a long period retained the secret of its manufacture ;
There might be a mighty lesson in the above lines for England. Their technical skills, communication software English, sophisticated machinery etc. are all now in the hands of populations who have no love for them. Anyone can see the acute danger that England faces. Yet, very few native-Englishmen seem to be bothered.
QUOTE: Like the Bushmen, the Koranas exposed the aged to be devoured by wild beasts
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QUOTE: They bore an inveterate animosity towards the Bushmen, on account of continual depredations on their flocks and herds. Their wars with the Bushmen were prosecuted with so much rancour that quarter was seldom given on either side, either to old or young. Though possessing similar weapons to the Bushmen, those of the Koranas were superior in size and workmanship, and their poisoned arrows were occasionally feathered.
Here again, there are an immensity of lessons for pristine-England. When the outsiders slowly takeover the economy, they will find the native-English quite non-corporative, and lazy. Moreover, some of the lazy Englishmen would be seen to be engaging in stealing and such other things. The new occupants of the nation will come after them with a terrific vengeance. Even though the terror of these actions might seem new in England, actually these are everyday events in nations in South Asia and elsewhere.
Apart from the above, there is another quite remarkable thing also in the above quoted words. The Koranas learned the technique of making poisoned arrows from the Bushmen. However, they improved upon it and created a weapon which was far superior to that of the Bushmen. The same thing can happen in England. The outsiders will learn the basics from the native-English and then create machines and weapons which are far superior to what the native-English can make. For, they have innumerable lowly paid and lowly kept populations under them.
QUOTE: The countenances of the Koranas exhibited a total absence of mind, combined with an indescribable habit of drowsiness.
It would be quite nice to check the language codes within their own communication.
QUOTE: Though very good friends among each other while poor, the moment they obtained a quantity of cattle by plunder they began to quarrel about the division of the spoil. On some of these occasions this was carried to such an excess that they continued to fight and massacre each other till very few remained on the field.
It might be interesting to check the language codes. There would be very specific verbal codes that create a mood of affinity and consideration when poor, and quite the opposite when rich.
QUOTE: He stated that when he was a child the Bushmen of that part believed that the only people in the world were Bushmen and Lions.
Actually this feeling was there in many locations in the world till the advent of the European colonisation. However, please note this also: If England had been near to South Asia, even South Asian nations would have embarked upon global pursuits.
QUOTE 1: A large number of the disaffected had removed to the mountains east of the Zeekoe river, and had betaken themselves once more to the lawless and bandit life from which the missionaries after years of danger and difficulty had happily reformed them.
QUOTE 2: but no sooner had he passed from the scene than among his late followers years of painful missionary labour appeared thrown to the winds in a moment, and they returned apparently with renewed zest and eagerness to their old occupation of plunder and violence, which would have appeared astonishing, did not history teach us that such a sudden revulsion is but a natural reaction in the untutored mind of the savage when he finds himself released from a control the beneficial effects of which he can neither appreciate nor understand.
A population’s various innate dispositions are encoded inside their native languages in the form various codes for triggers, switches, expressions, obligations, compulsions, craving for respect, requirement for extending servility in words and body language and so many other very minute items. Social engineering by the native-English without any information on these things would actually amount to letting loose powerful populations who would have no qualms about devouring the very group which had liberated them.
QUOTE 1: They were accompanied by their wives and children, and finally they were confidently affirmed to be cannibals.
QUOTE 2: they had laid Kurrichane in ruins and scattered the Barolong, and in addition were said to be cannibals !
QUOTE 3: they rapidly disappeared, and it was subsequently discovered that whole clans of them were seized and devoured by the cannibals of the mountains.
Cannibalism was also a reality in Africa. However in the US, this mention might be seen as ‘hate speech’!
QUOTE: but the most skilful smiths of all South Africa
It may be noted that in South Asia, the smiths and carpenters who were quite skilled, belonged to the lower caste stature. However, if they had been allowed entry into the US or England, they would have most surely taken-over the local trades in their respective skills. For the cost benefit was astronomically in their favour. However, in the South Asian locality, the higher classes who know what is what do not give them this advantage. Verbal codes hold them powerfully in demeaned slots, from which their very attempt to communicate on a level of equality of stature with the social and governmental higher-ups would smack of great impertinence, and much more. At the same time, the higher ups are also part of the same mental codes. Their long-term ambition would be to cast the same strangling net among the native-English posterity.
QUOTE 1: They were evidently in a far more defenceless state than the stronger tribes, and generally in a more degraded condition, many of them being reduced to such a state of abject serfdom that they were perfectly at the command of their exacting and more powerful neighbours. Such a condition would appear to indicate that they are the descendants of a conquered race
QUOTE 2: we shall find that they fraternised more closely with the aboriginal occupiers of the soil, who extended to them a sort of rude hospitality and showed towards them a friendliness of disposition in marked contrast to the hostile and vindictive feelings which were subsequently aroused by the monopolising and grasping appropriation of the finest portions of their country by the formidable multitudes of armed warriors who followed with their numerous herds upon the trail of the pioneers.
England has to be careful that its posterity does not get converted into the descendants of a conquered race.
The pioneer invaders from other nations who have arrived in England ‘fraternised more closely with the aboriginal occupiers’ of England. There are ‘formidable multitudes of armed warriors who will follow with their numerous herds upon the trail of the pioneers’ into England. Once this happens, the native-English will be dealing with another kind of population/s which they never had the experience of dealing with before.
QUOTE: they seem to supply a proof that locality is not always sufficient to account for difference in races.
In South Asia also, in the same geographical setting, various different populations groups of unknown origin and homelands did live in close physical proximity, with various kinds of emotions to each other, including those of repulsion as well as reverence.
QUOTE 1: If they killed an elephant, the tusks had to be carried to their feudal masters.
QUOTE 2: They were not permitted to wear jackals' skins, or any dress which indicated rank or fortune ; they could only use such skins as were not worn by the rich.
QUOTE 3: but also that of two well-marked grades — they might almost be termed castes, so clearly and so strongly defined are these two divisions — into which the members of the various tribes are separated, that distinctly indicate the presence of the descendants of not only a conquering but a conquered race also amongst them. Natives of the lower grade were despised by those of the higher, and one of the latter intermarrying with one of the former would certainly have lost caste in the eyes of his more exclusive countrymen.
The above-mentioned information can point to a feudal language social ambience and the presence of powerful caste systems. However, there can be other regimentations also. However, the emotions and sense given in the above words are strikingly similar to that in South Asia.
QUOTE: There are, he writes, two grades, the rich, who are hereditary chiefs, and the poor. The latter continue in the same condition, and their lot is a comparatively easy kind of vassalage. Their lives are something like those of their dogs, hunger and idleness, but they are the property of their respective chiefs, and their forefathers have from time immemorial been at the mercy of their lords.
It is easy to say that these things were there in England also, on simply hearing that England also had a feudal system. The fact is, English feudalism is not what was experienced in Celtic language areas of Britain. Nor was it similar to the feudalism in Continental Europe. In a similar way, the feudalism in Asia and Africa also was quite different from that of English feudalism. English feudalism will be very, very refined and bearable compared to what was the state of feudalism in other locations. Wherever feudal languages were spoken, the feudalism will be terrible. And where the feudal codes are very terrible, the feudalism will also be quite terrible. Moreover, in all locations where the communication is in feudal languages, even if the place is democratic and liberal in statutory terms, the people would live under terribly oppressive hierarchies.
QUOTE: Preferring the liberty of the desert, they would make any sacrifice to please their often distant superiors rather than be confined to the irksomeness of a town life, to which such is their aversion that, as Mr. Moffat states, he has known chiefs take armed men and travel a hundred miles into desert places, in order to bring back Balala whom they wished to assist in watching and harvesting the gardens of their wives.
The above statement literally displays the desperate desire of the underclass people/s to escape from the clutches of their landlord oppressors. In a way, when England ditched the peoples of South Asia and handed them back to the likes of fiends like Nehru, Gandhi etc. they were being handed back to the same social system, wherein a huge section of the populations lived like slaves of the officialdom and the landlord classes. For more on this, visit this Telegram Channel: https://t.me/SouthAsiaEnglish
QUOTE: During the chieftainship of Mokgosi, the Barolong chief demanded from him the breast of every ox killed by his people, the brisket being considered among the native races as food which ought to be set apart for the special use of chiefs, a demand, therefore, which if complied with would have been a virtual acknowledgment of the dependence of himself and his people on the Barolong. It being persisted in, the indignant Mokgosi at length replied, "Am I then your servant ? "
What is worth mentioning here is not the obvious caste system and possible presence of feudal languages, but the fact that inside feudal languages, there are minute hints that enforce powerful social regimentation and acknowledgement of explicit domination.
QUOTE 1: but no sooner had they arrived there and made the discovery that there were other tribes not only rich in cattle, but also less warlike than themselves, than they at once made an attempt to commence the same system of strife and spoliation from which they themselves had attempted to escape.
QUOTE 2: broke away from the sanguinary yoke of Tshaka to commence for themselves a career which was to be marked, like that of the master whom they had deserted, with atrocious cruelties and remorseless bloodshedding.
There is a statement in The REV. SAMUEL MATEER’s NATIVE LIFE IN TRAVANCORE: ‘Yet Ilavars and Chogans were, and still are in most parts, similarly driven out of the way by Brahmans. Missionaries have pleaded the cause of all classes alike, and to a large extent succeeded in procuring the emancipation of Shanars and Ilavars from such bonds, but as soon as one caste has somewhat risen from their degradation they inflict similar indignities upon their inferiors,.......’
This again could be a sign of the presence of feudal languages in the local communication system.
QUOTE: The Bushmen of the country had, according to Moffat, kept up a constant predatory warfare with the Bachoana from time immemorial, upon whom they wreaked their vengeance whenever an occasion offered.
QUOTE: tame Bushmen in their service,
The word ‘tame’ literally points to the feeling that the Bushmen were some kind of animals, which could be domesticated.
QUOTE: On returning from the slaughter, all the circumstances attending it were related at a pitso, or general meeting, after which men and women dispersed over the town, imitating the screams of those persons who had been killed, repeating their expressions of terror, and representing their actions when begging for their lives.
I feel that this is an evidence of the basic brutal nature of the social system and its people. I have seen similar behaviour in India, even though the incidences were not connected to outright murder or massacre.
QUOTE 1: This was evidently the natural effect or reaction of the inherent cowardice of these untutored savages, great in courage when they found they had an enemy weaker than themselves, and whom they had overpowered by stratagem or surprise, when nothing but dabbling in the blood of their helpless victims, women and children, seemed to satisfy them.
QUOTE 2: I know you, ye Batlapin, at home and in the face of women ye are men, but in the face of an enemy ye are women, ever ready to flee when ye should stand firm.
Again the evidence of low quality human populations. In South Asia, the nations are extraordinarily brave when dealing with adversaries who are militarily weak.
QUOTE: At the conclusion of this speech the air was rent with acclamations, the whole assembly occasionally joining in the dance, the women frequently taking the weapons out of the hands of the men and brandishing them in the most violent manner ; and people of all ages continued using the most extravagant and frantic gestures for nearly two hours. Notwithstanding this sudden outburst of popular enthusiasm, however, great uneasiness prevailed, and everything was prepared for instant flight if it should be necessary.
Cruel to those who are weak, but quite weaklings when they have to face a tough adversary!
QUOTE: The women were seen in little groups surrounded by these barbarians, who were tearing away beads and brass rings from their necks and arms. A woman was holding out her arms to one of these ruffians, in order that the bracelets might be taken off, but not being able to effect his purpose quickly, the savage cut off both her arms with a battle-axe, and then dispatched her.
Non-English military endeavours are full of similar actions. Looting and molesting of the civil population is the norm. This has taken place during the Indo-Pak war in East Pakistan (currently Bangladesh). The Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka was also mentioned as indulging in similar actions on the Sri Lankan Tamils.
QUOTE: Thus numerous as the Bachoana had become, they fell an easy prey to every enemy who chose to invade their country, while their accumulated herds afforded the most insatiate marauders ample spoil.
More or less the state of current-day England with regard to outsiders and what was inside the nation for them to spoil.
QUOTE 1: Many of the Mantatees were suffering dreadfully from want ; even in the heat of the battle the poorer class seized pieces of meat and devoured them raw.
QUOTE 2: Some were found literally feasting on the dead bodies of their companions.
The basic savagery of the social system, in which the poor were deprived of everything they required to subsist upon decently.
QUOTE: An immense precipice, which crested a hill near his great-place, became the terror of all those who excited his displeasure, the Tarpeian rock over which his victims were hurled, and these not in isolated cases, but frequently, in considerable numbers. His victims, without distinction of either sex or age, were driven shrieking in a crowd over the dizzy edge, while a heap of bleaching bones accumulated at its foot, to mark the implacability of his wrath.
Barbarity as an effective tool of disciplining inside feudal language social systems.
QUOTE 1: The greater number of these unfortunate wretches appeared in a most miserable plight for want of food. They were reduced to eat their dogs, cowdung, and, in fact, what could no longer be a matter of doubt, they were found devouring their own dead
QUOTE 2: The horrid extremities to which some of these retreating fugitives were reduced is related by Mr. Hodgson, when he describes how horror-struck he was upon discovering two women and a man concealed in a bush in the act of cooking a human leg ; near them was found the skeleton of a full-grown man and part of the body of another, of which a leg and an arm had been cut off, the head opened, the bowels drawn out, and the internal parts of the body exposed to view. One of the women was roasting part of the leg upon the coals, and the other was engaged with the man in eating with savage greediness the portion which had just been cooked, the man breaking the bones with a stone, and sucking them with apparent delight.
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QUOTE: At this time another terror was growing upon them, and they were living in fear lest Moselekatze should one day make them captives.
The terror of local slavery is everywhere there in this book.
QUOTE: They were no sooner rid of their great common enemy, than the former system of never-ending raids and petty wars and struggles for the possession of cattle once more commenced among them, and continued without intermission until the Boers, pressing in from the south, forcibly subjected all those who came within their reach, and occupied the country.
The Boers were just another barbarian tribe. But then they had centuries of experience of being in close proximity to England. That does change their mental demeanour.
QUOTE: A living child, frightfully emaciated, with a large wound in her left side, was found crouching near a door of a hut. The wound had been made by ravens attacking her. She was a girl of about seven years of age. A bare skeleton lay near her, the bones of her sister, who had died of starvation. She had survived for eighteen days, when she was found contending with three hungry dogs and some crows picking bones ! This was the town where Sabbedere and his people were attacked.
The realities of savage locations. More or less similar things have had happened in South Asia, till the advent of the English East India Company establishments in the location. Burning to ash of live women, human sacrifices, burying alive of little children, impaling of human beings on high structures, wooden stocking, imprisoning of lower caste men and women in animal cages for days and on &c. The issue in South Asia was that human cruelty was so common that till the English rule arrived, no one really cared about these everyday events. If and when similar things happened in England, they were treated as so shocking that they became historical records.
QUOTE: While these latter have always considered themselves Griquas, the larger portion of those now included under this designation were formerly called Bastaards, a name which, however distasteful to European notions, was one of which they were originally particularly proud.
To the downtrodden populations, these kinds of connections might have had the effect social up-lifting.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous