Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
25. Colonial effect
QUOTE: The same one-sided way of bartering appears to have continued until 1685, when the Governor, Van der Stel, visited the Namaqua clans himself, hoping in his progress to discover gold or silver, and to reach Vigiti Magna. But he failed to attain either of these objects. He displayed such an amount of overbearing cruelty towards the victimised Namaqua that they rose in self-defence, and he was forced to make a somewhat hasty retreat..
Continental European attitude in the colonial times were markedly different from that of the native-English. However, the native-English were entwined with the Celtic language speakers. To this extent, the British colonial rule had this negativity.
QUOTE: In less than a century the original inhabitants had dwindled to four hordes, who were in a great measure subservient to the Dutch.
Connecting to Continental Europeans was not a very good idea. England should have borne this in mind before connecting itself to Europe. After fighting two huge wars to keep Europe out, only an utter foolish British policymaker would have allowed this to happen.
QUOTE: In the same manner, should we meet a Kaffir priding himself in the name of Klaas, Piet, or Jantje, we should imagine that either he or his friends who gave him the cognomen had been in the service of the Dutch ; whereas if he were known as Tom, Dick, John, or Jim, we should say that he must have been at one time under an influence decidedly English.
In the South Asian subcontinent also, the natives who got connected to the various Continental European trade endeavours and Christianity, and to the English rule and English Christianity, did display similar kind of name changes and additions. The curious issue here is the native feudal higher classes never allowed their subordinated classes to assume their name. In fact, they would take much effort to see that the children of their serfs and slaves got terrible, ugly and stinking names. There are certain other things also worth mentioning in this context.
The many lower castes converted into Christianity under the aegis of the London Missionary Society and such others in Travancore. They changed their names to Christian ones. However, the local upper classes did not allow them to forgo their traditional lower caste identity, which was to be appended to their new names. However, the London Missionary Society was able to force the government to remove this stigma. In a way it was a great removal of a social shackle. But then, the other side of the event was that the newer generations of such Christians do not know that they are the descendants of the erstwhile very low castes. If at all they are aware of it, they do not want to have it mentioned. Their social emancipation happened through the endeavours of the native-English government in British-India, which continually had exerted pressure upon the Travancore kingdom to give liberty to the lower classes. However, as of now, they all have full belief that the ‘nation’ had been exploited by the English. That is what the current-day social, political and academic leaders teach them.
There are plenty of these Christians who have immigrated to native-English nations, as various kinds of workers, including nurses and doctors. It is doubtful if anyone of them would be mentioning the gratitude their families need to have for England. Instead of that, what would mostly come out of their mouths would be that the English are racists, and that they need to be taught a lesson.
QUOTE: We have already noticed the repeated onslaughts made upon them by the Bangwaketse and other tribes, when they, in their turn, retaliated by making reprisals, until they became comparatively a warlike people.
The same is the change in the offing for the native-English. Actually they were the most refined people in the world. However, as of now, their land is filled with people from all over the world. These people who have swarmed in are not at all any kind of refined people, even though they might act in a holier-than-thou attitude over there. For instance, the peoples who have swarmed in from South Asia. In their native lands, they cannot even stand in a queue. Their languages are feudal and contain terrific pejorative words, for various kinds of professions which are basically decent jobs in England. When the native-English go on reacting to these sinister double and multiple minded outsiders, they will also change slowly. They will change from their innate soft features to that of rude ruffians. Indeed, current-day native-English females would find it quite difficult to adopt their original feminine qualities. For, in the presence of feudal language speakers in the social system, all softness becomes a weakness. Women will naturally adopt a rough demeanour.
QUOTE: Hordes of whose existence they had been previously ignorant burst suddenly upon them, completely annihilating many of their numerous clans, and driving the remainder a mingled crowd of wretched panic-stricken fugitives headlong from the country.
When the populations of Asia, South Asia, Continental Europe, Africa, South America &c. burst into England in their full native demeanour, what the native-English would experience would be somewhat similar to what has been described above.
QUOTE: The Matabili, he writes, were not satisfied with simply capturing cattle, nothing less than the entire subjugation or destruction of the vanquished could quench their insatiable thirst for power. Thus whenever they captured a town, the terrified inhabitants were driven in a mass to the outskirts, when the parents and all the married women were slaughtered on the spot. Such as had dared to be brave in the defence of their town with their wives and their children were reserved for a still more terrible death : dry grass saturated with fat was tied round their naked bodies, and then set on fire. The youths and girls were loaded as beasts of burden with the spoils of the town, to be marched to the home of the victors. If the town were in an isolated position, the helpless infants were left to perish either with hunger or to be devoured by beasts of prey. On such an event the lions scented the slain, and left their lair. The hyenas and jackals emerged from their lurking places in broad day, and revelled in the carnage, while clouds of vultures were to be seen descending on the living and the dead, and holding a carnival on human flesh. Should a suspicion arise in the savage breast that there was a chance that the helpless infants might possibly fall into the hands of some of their friends, they prevented this by collecting them into a fold, and after raising over them a pile of brushwood applied the flaming torch to it, when the fold, the town, and all it contained, so lately a scene of mirth, became a heap of ashes.
If at any tragic time in history, England is overrun by the feudal language speaking national armies, it would be quite foolish to expect the encroachers to act as per the tenets of the Geneva Convention. When the Tamil nation in north Ceylon (Sri Lanka) was over-run by the Sri Lankan army, it is more or less certain that the Tamil leaders were tortured to death, after they surrendered. Even the women folks who were captured were sexually used and murdered.
Indian armed forces do not follow the Geneva Convention rules when it captures the various rebel groups, who are seeking freedom from India, or fighting for social rights. Men are generally tortured and the women would naturally be used otherwise. Even from inside India, no one would dare to take up these things to any judicial authority, nor would Indian officials allow it.
Basically the tenets of the Geneva Conventions fetter only native-English nations. For, their own citizens do not have much fear of their own uniformed services. However, in feudal language nations, the people cannot even address a government official as an equal.
QUOTE: has assured the writer that during that trip for six weeks he never met a single living human being ; nothing was to be seen but the charred remains of numerous towns or kraals, strewn with skulls and other human bones, while for long distances thickly-spread lines of bleaching bones were frequently met with, marking the spots where the wretched fugitives had been overtaken by their savage and pitiless pursuers, to whom mercy was unknown.
It might be good for England to bear in mind that the basic native instincts of the various populations of all skin colours that enter into their lands are similar to what has been described above – ‘savage and pitiless, to whom mercy was unknown’. It would be quite unwise to focus just upon one single religious entity.
QUOTE: The Namaqua, like the rest of their race, were divided into a variety of separate clans governed by a chief whose authority was very circumscribed and precarious. The existence of such a number of subdivisions to the north of the Orange river would suggest the idea that in addition to those who managed to escape from the pressure of the advancing Europeans by recrossing it, some portion of them had in all probability always remained there, and thus preserved the herds of cattle which were so much coveted by the Dutch. In the south, those who had remained behind in the kraals bordering on the Colony had been long ago exterminated or reduced into servitude by the Boers.
The Dutch and the Germans who might most probably make up the Boers were typically like the rest of the Continental European colonialists. They were bent upon empire building. It is quite funny that England was not on any empire building pursuits, but still ended up creating the best Empire, this earth has seen in recorded history of human beings.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous