Commentary on The Native Races of South Africa
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
26. London Missionary Society
QUOTE: In 1800, when their first missionary, Mr. Anderson, went among them, they were a horde of wandering naked savages, subsisting by plunder and the chase. Their bodies were daubed with red paint, their heads loaded with grease and shining powder, with no covering but the filthy kaross over their shoulders. Without knowledge, without morals, or any trace of civilisation, they were wholly abandoned to witchcraft, drunkenness, licentiousness, and all the consequences which arise from the unchecked growth of such vices.
This might be what the London Missionary Society saw in Africa. What these missionaries saw and experienced over there cannot be fully understood unless the exact social structure as designed by the language codes is understood. In Travancore kingdom, just outside British-India in South Asia, the London Missionary Society did experience something similar. However, in that location, it was the lower castes who were kept as some kind of cattle class by the land owning feudal higher classes.
QUOTE: They were in many instances little above the brutes. It is a fact that we were among them at the hazard of our lives. This became evident to us from their own acknowledgment to us afterwards, they having confessed that they had frequently premeditated to take away our lives, and were prevented only from executing their purposes by what they now consider an Almighty power.
The above is the words of missionary Anderson, probably of the London Missionary Society. It is curious that almost the same thing is happening in England and all other native-English nations. The feudal language populations who have barged in are uttering totally carnivorous verbal codes upon the native-English populations. And the latter have no information of this. For, they cannot conceive of a possibility that language codes or words have such demonic powers. Actually, I have mentioned almost the very same ideas that missionary Anderson has said in my book Shrouded Satanism in feudal languages, published in 2013. See these Quotes from that book:
Quote from Shrouded Satanism 1: Now, what about the issue of what these dogs are having in their mind? Well, what they do translate into English is understandable. However what they leave out in the translation, no human being can understand. What they plan among themselves will and, despoil and ennoble humans within the creepy confines of their own mental process would remain hidden from the human beings of England. For most of these emotions won’t have any equivalent in human emotions. Like the word eda and edi in Tamil / Malayalam. They cannot be translated into English. For such beastly emotions are not there in English language and social intelligence. END OF QUOTE
Quote from Shrouded Satanism 2: When speaking about the affectionate stance of the feudal language speaking teachers, the experience would be confounding due to the extremely warm and affectionate posture they put on. It would be quite disarming. Yet, the exterior posture of affection is just a veneer and a facade. It is like the action of the butchers patting and fondling the cows as they wait for the sharpened knives to slice them. In fact, feudal language-speakers do slice the individuality of the native-English kids in private conversations in their native languages. The society also gets sliced and splintered into various pieces and packed and positioned in various locations in the virtual arena. END OF QUOTE
QUOTE: This of course cannot be wondered at when we take into consideration the diverse and almost antagonistic elements of which this tribe was composed.
The above words are about the Griquas, whom the London Missionary Society was creating into a population group.
QUOTE: while, from a negrophilist point of view, it afforded the long desired opportunity to start a politico-religious community freed from the trammels of outside control, to build up a separate national existence under purely missionary influences under the patronage of a Society, whose well-meaning but frequently, through ignorance and inexperience, misguided interference has entailed an unmitigated increase of evil in almost every portion of the globe where they have intermeddled.
It was the London Missionary Society, which took up pioneering work in the Travancore kingdom in South Asia, to liberate the various lower caste populations from slavery. Many of these slave populations had been kept like cattle in the households and agricultural areas of the landlord populations. When these slave classes were improved, the question arose as to what to do with them. They were not liked in Travancore much and they could not be given social freedom, which would definitely disturb the higher class families, their females and children. Moreover, the traditional upper class Christian group which had arrived many centuries ago from Syria, did not want to get connected to this lower caste Christians.
The new Christian religious leadership took to deliberate planning to get the new Christians to encroach upon the forest lands of Malabar which was in the nation of British-India. In the initial years, this was done in a very slow manner, for the British-Indian forest department was quite efficient. However, in the breakdown of official machinery in the immediate aftermath of the formation of India, these new Christians moved in huge numbers into the forests of Malabar. When this issue was to become a law and order issue, due to the fact that people from another state was encroaching and occupying forest lands in the Madras state, a huge political conspiracy was enacted and Malabar district of Madras State was connected to Travancore state and a new Indian state was formed. So that now, the encroachment was now by people from the same state.
These new settlers were well-equipped in various kinds of knowledge given to them by the London Missionary Society as well as by their own church. They had the knowledge of making guns and the use of gunpowder. They came into the Malabar forests, burned down the trees and created fabulous plantations. At the same time, the local peoples of Malabar were shackled by their own respect for British-Indian rule of law.
Animals in the forest such as deer, porcupine, wild boar, monkey etc. were shot down and literally exterminated from the location. The traditional forest populations in these areas also faced regular bouts of molestation from these encroachers.
So in the ultimate count, the actions of London Missionary Society had a double edge. But then, the blame should not to be placed upon them, in this case. The fiends who created the mess called India, Pakistan and Bangladesh was Clement Atlee and his Labour Party.
QUOTE: To attempt to establish a history for a race which, from the remotest ages, has been unable to build up a history for itself, must, one is inclined to believe, always prove a failure ; and to expect to turn men who have just been emancipated from the oppressions of generations, and from the debasement and degradation of serfdom and slavery, suddenly into a race of noble-minded patriots, can be an idea entertained only by enthusiastic visionaries, who hope for miracles in utter defiance of all the experience of past history.
The above words are about London Missionary Society’s actions to improve the Griquas. However, the same words can be said about various other locations and peoples who had been improved by the English colonial activities. Improving them all a bit and then letting them loose into the hands of their own traditional feudal language speaking low-quality political leaders was a very horrible thing to do. In Africa, London Missionary Society collaborating with non-English European agencies and populations was also a very horrible thing.
QUOTE 1: The name Kok, i.e. Cook, was said to have been derived from the circumstance of one of the progenitors of the family having served as a cook to one of the old Dutch governors.
QUOTE 2: Barend Barends was in those days so far a chief that he had received a staff of office, similar to that bestowed upon the Koks and other native captains, showing that his position was recognised by the constituted authorities of the period.
It is a very curious statement. For, I have seen more or less similar things that happened in British-Malabar in South Asia. Some individuals of the lower caste Matriarchal Thiyya population in Tellicherry worked as cooks and other household servants inside English households. Some used the title of ‘Butler’ as a suffix to their names. Naturally a suffix in the local feudal language becomes a title of ‘respect’, which others have to express with their own servility. This title naturally became social positions and these title holders naturally became social leaders and rich persons.
QUOTE: Although of mixed descent, he was originally a slave, but by dint of industry he was able to collect a sufficient sum to purchase his freedom and subsequently to procure a farm among the colonists of the Cape.
It is a very interesting statement about the slavery over there. In the South Asian subcontinent, usually the slave classes cannot come out of their slavery by any means. They were treated as semi-humans or half-animals, or as cattle. However, in the rich Muslim households, which buy and bring in slaves from elsewhere, the slaves not treated as totally lowly. Many of them become close associates of their masters. However, these slaves are different from low caste traditional slaves, who remain as cattle, even to the rich Muslim households also, unless they are converted into Islam.
Another thing to note is that in the traditional slavery of South Asia, no records are kept about the traditional slaves. They are treated as cattle, and when their ownership is transferred from one owner to another, it is just like cattle being transferred. As such, it is very difficult to find any written records of any specific slave or slaves, to be found in Travancore or Malabar, or elsewhere in South Asia.
QUOTE: He was acknowledged by the existing government as the successor of his father, and thus entrusted with the staff of office, possessing horses and firearms and flocks of almost patriarchal size, one of the primitive tokens of immense wealth, he must undoubtedly have appeared as a great man in the eyes of the natives among whom he travelled.
This is about Cornelius Kok. In feudal languages, even though the social system can be quite divisive, cunning and mutually antagonistic, the appearance of a commonly accepted leader can create a very powerful focal point inside the social machinery. This is a very critical information to be borne in mind, when moving along the lines of social engineering.
QUOTE: We are assured that the Griqua chiefs of the infant settlement always treated the Bushmen with consideration and kindness. Of this we shall have better means of judging as we proceed, and shall discover that this kindness was strikingly exemplified by depriving the latter of the last vestige of their lands and giving them in exchange a few cattle to live upon, as if the men of this wild hunter-race, who rejoiced m the untrammelled freedom of the mighty plains by which they were surrounded, could be suddenly turned, by a feat akin to legerdemain, into mere cattle-herds !
This is a very powerful information, generally about all social systems, wherein the English colonial rule handed over the power to the local politicians. In India, a huge percent of the populations cannot afford a bank savings account. A business account is too expensive. Very few can use the digital technology. The classes who have all this, would not like to see the currently deprived classes to get these capabilities. For, in a feudal language social system, it would be quite dangerous.
The most funny thing is that it is these very fiendish upper classes of South Asia who are populating the native-English nations. Once they get the upper hand over there, God save the native-English populations! Otherwise they are doomed to be the under classes of the feudal language speakers.
QUOTE: If we unhesitatingly condemn the Boer for his unprincipled conduct in dispossessing a kraal of Hottentots, how can we heap praise upon the Griquas and their supporters, who in an equally unjustifiable manner despoiled a considerable number of independent clans of the aborigines of their ancient territorial possessions At the commencement they merely took possession of the localities they positively occupied, they felt that others had still some right to occupy the intervening tracts of country. It was only as they began to feel the strength which their superior weapons gave them, that more ambitious ideas dawned upon the minds of the Griquatown authorities, and they began to lord it over the territories and persons of their weaker neighbours.?
The above words are actually for the native-English to ponder upon. The outsiders, Continental Europeans, the Asians, the South Asians, the South Americans, the African blacks &c. arrive in England with a most affable demeanour. They know their limits and they appreciate their luck to be in England or in any other native-English nation. However, the moment they get the information that they are established inside, then they are another team of people. In their native language codes, the native-English go down in each of the verbal codes.
QUOTE: In the present instance, Waterboer's previous missionary training and proclivities evidently marked him as a man fit to carry out the missionary Utopian idea of laying the foundation, under their own special priestly guidance, of a model kingdom of “regenerated natives."
It is not easy to find fault with the aims of the London Missionary Society. However, unless the regenerated natives are slowly brought out of their native feudal languages and converted into pristine-English of the Victorian-age times, the regenerated natives will return back to their native savagery in no time. For their savagery would be encoded inside their language codes. Moreover, it would be a very healthy thing to keep the administration under the native-English. Fair-play would work out, if this native-English is given an apartheid in the sense that they have some place where they are among themselves. Into this place, even the Continental Europeans should not be allowed in. If they are allowed, the whole idea would fall down.
QUOTE: some of Waterboer's principal men disregarded the injunction and plundered some Korana villages. He seized six of the ringleaders, summoned his council, and tried, condemned, and publicly executed them all. This produced an insurrection, and the insurgents twice attacked Griquatown.
The fact is that inside feudal languages, powerful loyalties build up in a kind of pyramid manner. These loyalties are beyond the realm of any sensible reasoning, or thoughts of a wider good. This is an essential item that cannot be understood by the native-English. It is not that the native-English do not have loyalties, but that there are no loyalties created by feudal language codes.
In the above instance, one cannot be judgemental about anything. For, there might be very powerful verbal code information that has not entered into the text.
QUOTE: but constantly gave evidence of crumbling to pieces from its own inherent weakness.
The above statement is about Griquas. However, the deeper issue is that in feudal languages, there are various routes and pathways of obeisance, respect, servility, command and obedience &c. In social engineering, this aspect should be very carefully understood. However, in native-English lands, this information is not there. For, the moment a population speaks good quality English (not the feudal English, spoken in India &c.), the various mutually unacceptable loyalty routes &c. gets erased. Communication becomes straight, direct and planar. Most of the irksome human emotional triggers vanish. But always beware of a bilingual multiculture individual, unless the other language is also planar.
QUOTE: To this a rider was added that he should also protect the Bushmen.
This was the agreement that Dr. Philip had with Kok, the ex-chief of Griquatown, on his being allowed to settle with his people at the mission station of Philippolis. It is continuously seen that the native-English had a wider vision for South Africa. In that they wanted to protect the original natives of the land.
QUOTE: the bond of union was the appearance of a common enemy, which forced all those threatened to act in unison.
This is mentioned in regard to the Griquas. However, this is something that can be mentioned about many other nationalities. Even Europe is going through this phase in pieces as of now. The so-called threat of Islam is one item that is uniting the peoples across the national borders. Even nationalists from England and their traditional Continental European enemy nations are getting united in this issue. There is no other logic for this unity.
0. Book profile
1. Intro
3. Lowering of the English mental stamina
5. A most terrific observation
6. How the Bushmen were treated
8. Irish Link
9. The spirit of Dutch colonial endeavours
11. Satanism in feudal languages
14. Native-English versus the Boers
16. Shamanistic spiritual system
18. Bushmen - Refined character
19. Bushmen vs. the African encroachers
23. The entry of other populations
25. Colonial effect
27. Miscellaneous