Vintage English

It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
English themes have always been a passion for me. It was connected to a lingering feeling of admiration for the English, in terms of their history, political development, scientific discoveries, geographical adventures, spirit of adventure, and much else. Yet, beyond all else, I discerned a wonderful difference in the English communication system, which was markedly different from the many other languages with which I was acquainted.

When you work with passion, it ceases to be work. However, I am not an Englishman in any sense of the word. Then, what is my justification for creating this magazine that apparently is about something on which I have no claim on?
Well, I can justify my efforts thus: There have been many Englishmen who have studied and written appreciatively about so many things that were not connected to England and English heritage. For example, Egyptian themes, Roman history, Indian scriptures, Greek fables, Biblical stories, Islamic contentions, Buddhist teachings and much else. The same logic in my case also.
Then there is another fact also. Look at this: Even though classical physics was discovered by an Englishman, Sir. Isaac Newton, the subject is being taught all over the world. Many persons all over the world, who have studied this subject, consider it to be within their domain to make improvements on the subject, and write and discourse on it. The same logic in my case also.
I am very much acquainted with English themes, including colonial experiences, English classical literature and many other things. I cannot claim to be an expert in these subjects, but then everything can be studied and understandings improved.

Currently, I have to do the major part of the writing in this magazine, as it is in an infant stage. I need to bring in a definite shape and form to the theme, style, focus, and philosophy of this periodical. If there are persons who would contribute their experiences, knowledge and writings, I can confine my own writings to a particular percentage.
Now what is to be achieved by this magazine? Well, there are many things. For one thing, it aims to bring out the greatness of the English language and of the persons who speak it, to the exclusion of other languages. That is, the native English speaker. It is not been said that Englishmen do not know any other language, but then most other languages are only of secondary importance to them. So that their innate thinking process is in English. It is not like a Frenchman, German, Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, South American knowing and speaking English. For, they are at home in their native tongue, and their thinking process is connected to their native language. When they speak in English, it is very much possible that the inhibitions, controls and mental complexes connected to their native tongues would creep into their mood. Or at least, in the mood of those around them. Some of them may claim that they can also think in English when required, but then it is not so easy a thing as they claim it to be. For, each language creates specific and unique emotional reactions in mood and thoughts.
Then there is another thing. It is the need for correction of a fact of history. In many nations all around the world, the English are vilified as a vile nation that enslaved many others. It is not true. The English were the real harbingers of the divine light of liberty to many geographical areas in the world. This is a fact of which even the English are unaware. If the English stood apart from the natives of the places where they had political power, it was only due to the fact there was some sinister negativity in the local social systems, of which they were frightened of, and wanted to keep away from.

Then, there is the aim of letting others know what is the real superiority of the English speaking race. It is not in their White colour, or in their genes, but in their communication software, which is wonderful, compared to so many other languages software. I mean to deal more on this theme in the next few pages. It is this communication software that has made them great risk takers and winners. Remember the saying: England always wins the last battle! The secret is encoded in their language. Maybe there are other languages similar to that of English, but then I do not know many languages, and can’t say for sure which ones are similar to that of English, in certain crucial elements.
Now what is the list of items that will be dealt in this magazine, in varying permutations & combinations? Well, the list can be long.
The first will be about the inner codes of English languages.
Second, there shall be a discussion on an English author, mostly from the classical genre (at least for now), with interesting titbits on his life, style of writings, influences, family, romances, and passions. There are plenty of persons whose writings had been a passion for me. They do include Sir. Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Somerset Maugham, A J Cronin, R L Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Enid Blyton, Jane Austin, Baroness Orczy, Arthur Conan Doyle, Samuel Johnson, P G Woodhouse, Daniel Defoe, Louis Carroll, H G Wells, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Daphne du Maurier, Saki, Bronte sisters, Jack London, Earl Stanley Gardener, Barbara Cartland, Ayn Rand, Douglas Adams, James Hadley Chase and even such authors as Kahlil Gibran. At times, even such non-English authors as Alexander Dumas, Voltaire and such others whose translated works have been popular in English will also be discussed.
Third, a story or short story from the classical era. With a minor discussion on background of the story. It is admitted that certain of the classical writings may seem a bit tedious and cumbersome to modern readers. So, care shall be taken to include only the more easier to digest writings from the immensity of works available in classical English.
Fourth, some famous poem or bit of a poetry. Won’t be a lengthy one. Maybe one poem from some classical novel or something like that. Or from the folksong genre.
Fifth, there shall definitely be themes from the British colonial history. The ways and manners as well as the compulsions. The spirit, the adventure, the fables, the legends as well as the people who populated the colonial times. The positive actions as well as the negative deeds.
Sixth, a discourse on English scientists/mathematicians/philosophers, including their idiosyncrasies, eccentricities and curious features. A slight writing on their discoveries also. Mind you, I do not aim to fill up this magazine with complicated technical features of science and mathematics.
Then come the fabled tales from English maritime history. This shall include the names, details and experiences of famous English sea captains. May be a bit on English buccaneers!
Eight, there shall be a section on English films, with more emphasis on old British movies, and also on Hollywood movies of the yesteryears, connected to English themes (Britain, British colonialism, maritime adventures, classical writings and such others).
Naturally, there shall be a section on English actors and directors.
Tenth, wars and battles naturally need a place in this magazine. Not only the World wars One and Two, but also the immense of them connected to British colonialism, European wars, Wild West, and a bit on the civil wars inside Britain in the historical past.
Eleventh, there shall be a section on British Monarchs, and their lives, triumphs, achievements and wasted efforts, if any!
There have been great leaders, not the mahatmas and the revered holy cows, but still persons of resounding intellect and outstanding visions. They will be given a place.
There will be titbits on incidences of mention, both minor as well as major. Then places of significance for the English.
If possible, a write up on classical English food and drinks.
As to allusions and passions for any particular religion, and religious themes, there shall be none. It shall be as Lord Macaulay had proposed for the English colonial rule.
Last but not the least, the British Nursery Rhymes, and folksongs, and off course, the fairy tales/folklores.
On many of these themes, work can be commenced, with a definite level of profundity, with support from resources. Yet, there are many areas which would require help and contribution. Beyond all that, there are the niceties of English social attitudes, and reflexes, through the ages, including the Victorian. Then about the beauty of the English flowers and the grace of the English countryside. Well, these are areas where someone with exquisite knowledge can come in.
It is being admitted that this magazine is not a work of an extremely erudite person. The themes shall be in a simple style and manner, and may not be scholarly.
Author: Somerset Maugham
On the banks of Allen Water,
On the banks of Clyde
Excerpt: Magnus in The Apple Cart
Emancipation of slaves
Scientist: Sir. Isaac Newton
Geo discoverers: Captain James Cook
Film: The bridge on River Kwai
Actress: Vivien Leigh
Battle: Jameson Raid
Incidence: Nelson’s death
Popular songs: Jingle Bells
Place: Rocks of Gibraltar