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My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 1
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Nick Griffin BNP

Posted on: May 18 2004

Hi there: I couldn’t resist the temptation to join. I have not read everything, yet I find a lot of correlation in the subject with a small part in my book.

But before that , let me say:

If the non-English immigrant population is speaking in their native languages over there, then it might be an enlightening experience to find out where they place you, the natives, in their highly structured, and hierarchical languages. Maybe you can’t understand, but if they do speak in their native languages, then they probably are splitting your society in a most eerie manner, that can not only cause a deep sense of disquiet, but is also un-conveyable to the understanding of another person. For, it is an individual experience, like a child has one experience, a worker may have another experience, a babysitter’s experience another etc. Yet, solitary, otherwise peaceful, individuals may react violently to the creepy feelings it gives.

Now a quote from my book :

The threat: When one thinks of the jobs in the English nations, I may say that all jobs would be cornered by persons from outside. But if one thinks that this is a good thing, for the nation gains from cheap labour, then they have not understood the real danger, implicit in this development. Along with labourers, would come their lower stature social culture, connections, and communications. Their very demeanour, anthropological features, and also their gestures would speak it out loudly. And they would make a mess of the society of the English nations. Many native workers would simply leave their field of activity and seek out other avenues, leaving the field with more vacancies. It would be just a vicious chain reaction, which would garner more strength as more and more immigrants come.

The immigrants who come with English and an innate understanding of its social philosophies would not create much problems on their own, but when a mass of immigrants with feudal social understandings converge on a specific profession then that field of activity is as good as lost for the English native. For, he or she won’t be able to bear his social identification with them or maintain his equanimity. Now it is the nursing profession; many others are in the offing. School teaching, taxi driving, computer-based work, like that, slowly the native English speaker stands to lose his bastions one by one. And then the general comment that the English are a group of lazy, egoistic, snobbish race would come about. Already I have started hearing such comments.

0. Book profile

1. March of the Evil Empires

2. International Intervention

3. Schools with Asian language study

4. Immigration to English nations

5. We are White and we are proud

6. The other face of ‘Terrorism’

7. have they gone NUTs

8. Rantisi Assasinated

9. Nick Griffin BNP

10. Survived and home from iraq

11. Monarchy v Republic

12. Joining the Euro: Don’t do an historic blunder

13. Princess Michael of Kent, a Royal Bigot?

14. Spying on the UN

15. Changes in America

16. Hijjab - Religious dress code, Have the French got it right?

17. Chinese School Janitor attacks nursery school kids (in China)

18. Prince Charles:, Eternal Bachelor

19. Answering Oldfred – How did the British, who came to India

20. Perspective from a vantage position

21. Is Oldfred still around?

22. What one could lose

23. Intelligence

24. Business Process Outsourcing

25. Immigration policy & Freedom of Speech

26. Education: Formal verses informal

27. Israel’s “Terrorism” Barrier

28. The London Olympic Bid, will the benefits outweigh the costs?

29. Thatcher son arrested for alleged coup link, can mommy bail him out?

30. Tsunami and the British legacy, Part I: What exists below the surface

31. The foreign worker and economic prosperity, A thinking in construction

32. A theme from the Reader’s Digest

33. The legitimacy of the Asylum seekers

34. Social welfare system, the best of British

35. Delete multiculturalism

36. Euro Myths, here are some of them

37. Inter-racial marriages in the House of Windsor

38. Nationality, immigration and asylum act 2002, An Overview

39. What ails Britain?, My inferences

40. What I am trying to convey

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