My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 4
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Who is the enemy?, A series of mistakes
This is again a theme from my book literally conceived around 18 years back.
The Interstellar Ming Empire
This afternoon I saw on BBC the report on the Chinese Space Travel, and the newsreader’s comment was ‘seeing all these wonderful pictures coming from there’. In spite of my acute shortage of time, I thought I would put into words, the thought that burst into my mind, on hearing these words.
I do not think that what came on TV were wonderful pictures, but pictures that should disturb. I did not want the future space empire/s to build by the Chinese, Japanese or for that matter by the Indians. It is not that I am being an extreme renegade, but because of being a person who can see through the veneer of pseudo sophisticated standards. It is not about individual cultural standards, or intelligence that I am alluding to, for it is possible to find more persons with these qualities in the nations that I have mentioned than in the English nations.
Superficial views
What all these nations that I have mentioned will bring in would be social systems that are extremely stifling, and regimented. I have seen a programme on Discovery Channel about Samsung. The hierarchical management system and the extreme loyalty that the employees display to their company, and to their hierarchical seniors, is a thing that seems to be conspicuous by its absence in the English nations. I immediately knew that the Discovery Channel’s personnel had been hoodwinked and also was of very shallow understanding.
The efficient Indian bureaucracy
The efficiency and the loyalty that the Indian bureaucratic personnel show inside their hierarchical organisation are also very great. I have seen the efficiency of the Indian bureaucracy, for I have seen the inside part of it. A request from my bureaucrat parent to a faraway bureaucratic setup had the effect of a royal command. Yet, a common man is not within this command or request structure. He is a dog. His request is of scarce consequence.
Wrong Signals
America got the wrong signals from its experiences in Japan. When Japanese sovereign surrendered, the whole nation surrendered. It is in the language structure. Yet, in a nation like Iraq, there are no similar encasing strings of hierarchy. I will give my ideas on these encasing strings in another write up. In the case of India also, nothing of this sort will happen, for there are different languages, and in each language there are persons who have dressed themselves up as the cultural leaders. Inside that language area, they are powerful and the people think that they are great geniuses. At the same time, a similar person from another language has no value there, unless the newspapers build him or her also to that level. Actually, it is the news media as well as the school textbooks who build up all ‘mahatmas’.
Now, in the case of China, the situation is similar to Japan, in that a single feudal language seems to have been successfully enforced on the populace. And a single administrative hierarchy has been established. Wherever the language enforcing has not been very effective, the command structure also will be weak.
The powerful combination
This kind of China and a very intelligent leadership can be powerful combination. Yes, they have been intelligent. One was the fact of US giving sort of free training to the Chinese youth, in the name of human rights, liberation, educational opportunities, and much else. Yet, there is one element not detectable from English. It is the powerful links in the feudal languages that overtake all decorum, and make any person a willing slave to powerfully placed persons in the family and social structure.
In England
England may also be seeing this happening when persons from feudal language nations are given job in administration, police and much else. A single dialogue (in the native feudal language) from a father, uncle, wife’s father, wife’s mother, elder brother, brother-in-law and such persons, like ‘Give him the job’ will be taken as a sacred command, even if it is against the rules and procedures. They wouldn’t understand these as nepotism, but as being a good family member’s sacred duty. In fact, giving a post of a police officer to a person from a feudal language nation would be equivalent to giving the whole family members equal powers. Unless, he or she understands its power and keeps away from its strangleholds.
Now, why did I say this here?
The non-tangible command and loyalty strings
It is that all persons who come into English nations are more or less connected powerfully to their mother nations, even if they can’t bear to live in them. Well, this was true in the case of Englishmen also. But that is a different issue, different from what I am saying here.
Hong Kong
The giving up of Hong Kong to China was act of supreme idiocy. There were many persons who must have shuddered at the prospects. Maybe Hong Kong has maintained its goodness, I don’t know, but then, there must have been a severe shuffling of persons in the social system. An independent Hong Kong would have been much better. Or even better would have been a fully English-speaking Hong Kong under British rule!
English benevolence
English nations have been extremely benevolent to the world, yet, in many cases most stupid. Their benevolent nature springs from a feeling of being up on the air beyond the levels of competition by the others. And also, because of the non-hierarchical nature of the language, so that a persons superiority is not necessarily connected to another person’s lowliness.
Understanding poverty
There was the haunting feeling that the poverty of the majority of the rest of the world was due to the opulence of the English nations; or at least that is what the local media in this part of the world continually reminds the people. Yet, it is not true. The exact reason for poverty is in the fact that there was rabid inefficiency in the food production sector. I had done a real life study on this side. I have mentioned this in my book. I would simply say here that it is due to the feudal language of the nation that had made it destitute in terms of food production. Again, I remind you that this nation, where I write from is not like Japan or China. Again the language does cripple the distribution mechanism; I do not mean the administrative mechanism or the market structure, but the social mood mechanism.
The tedious looks
In nations like India, there is a huge section of the population who have tedious looks. Again it is not the fault of the English nations, but of the local language communication. People simply suppress the other man. It is the only way to communicate. It has a very diabolic effect on physical looks.
Funding the competitor
Again English nations used to donate huge amounts to developing nations as aid. I think that India used to get an astronomical amount from Britain as aid. I do not know if it is continuing. It was absolute folly. I don’t know if the people of Britain were aware of this stupidity. I do think a little of this amount did reach out to the poor people, most of it will be shared by the innumerable NGOs who have set up office in New Delhi. It is called sharing the cake. The money is given to the high profile NGOs who have good connections with the doling out bureaucrats. Within no time they are all international businessmen. At least, England could have insisted that the money would be distributed on its own.
Who was really the enemy?
In the days, when I was writing my book, communism was the enemy. Actually it was a stupid understanding by the Americans. It was not actually communism that was the enemy, but the feudal language organisations. Isn’t very evident that communism succeeded mainly in feudal language nations, and not in Britain, where it rightfully should have sprouted ferociously. What was disturbing was the feudal, hierarchical structure of the communist party. Actually, the feudal language social systems took a new name and organisation, called itself communism. In all aspect it was just the ancient feudal set up in these nations, just the people would have changed.
China buying up America
Another thing that I heard today disturbed me. It was the Chinese money is heavily invested in the US. Many years ago, a similar threat was from Japan. However, Japan is small. Moreover, in those days, the modern technologies had not diluted the national fortress walls. Now, the international economic scene has changed.
The limits of Democracy
Democracy is good, if the inside scenario is exactly English; otherwise people simply get disturbed and act and react wildly. The spontaneous mechanisms of check and balances inherent in English get disabled.
The mutation of America
America speaks English, but it is slowly loosing its English collective thinking mechanism. Maybe over the last 30 years or so, English has just become the common language, from being the national language.
The historic blunders
Chinese ownership of US economy is a blunder. Fighting wars in nations who later, if things become nice will write history textbooks blaming the English nations, are an idiocy. Having non-English demeanour persons in positions of international public relationship is another delinquency. It gives the impression that the US is similar to India, for the person looks and behaves like an Indian bureaucrat. Giving training to persons from other nations in all sorts of superior technology including outer space exploration is rank madness.
Another thing is the fight going on in the Middle East. I mean the Israel issue. I have tried so many times to mentally get used to the idea of Israel. I can’t. I get a feeling that America has been taken hostage by them. I am not sure if I am right in this. Again, why have they been seen as a nuisance in many nations? What it is in them that made the Germans so mad with them. Is it in their language or in the German language? Either way, imagine if the Americans had allowed one of their states for them to create their Israel. I think then the whole fight would have been between them and America.
There are immense people suffering due to this issue. I refrain from saying more as I don’t know much more about this issue that has turned the area into a tinderbox.
It is not usually a single mistake, but a series of mistakes that create a terrible accident; I heard thus once on the Discovery Channel.
Before closing, I quote again from my own writings in The Banter and Rant > The British Monarchy Financing the Royal Family, value for money?: Posted : Jul 4 2004,
Do not admire US too much, for there is a certain danger, that it may reach a point where no one would know where the nation should head for, for everyday it is changing, and maybe in matter of 10 years time, there could be a radical change in the nature of that nation, if careful understandings are not there
121. Teaching Sex, Teaching Commitment
122. Britain in Recession: The stuff of nightmare
123. Heaping a Sieve
124. Who is the enemy?, A series of mistakes
125. A Reprieve for the US, 700 Billion Squander
126. Barack Obama, Defining his demeanour
127. Have you received anything yet, Evans
128. Carnage In Gaza, Psychiatric cure
129. It Wont Work!, An epitaph for the British!!!
130. Policy Or Racism
131. British Causality in Afghanistan
132. A strategy with a finesse
134. What is the present level of Physics?
135. Court tags mother to control her truant son,
136. The English Legal System, Penalties, Death Penalty
137. What I really meant, The alien experience
138. British Collective Intelligence
139. The Liberation Tigers, Refining impressions
140. A comment in an Internet site on Indian reality
141. A homeland for the South African Whites
142. Wearing a Sikh turban in the US army
143. Attributes of ‘Sar’
144. Indian Marriages
145. BP Oil Spill and the infections that led to it
146. Money and Indian Languages
147. Saving the English Economies
148. Currency devaluation: the deceit
149. Communal Tension and Language Codes
150. What does (Indian) freedom mean to you?
151. The Hallowed Persons
152. Godfather: What props his pedestal?
153. What happens to fine Cities!
154. Language as a weapon 1
155. Language as a weapon 2
156. Language as a weapon 3
157. Racism: A skin deep, yet painful, 1
158. Racism: A skin deep, yet painful, 2
159. A piece of blasphemy