My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 4
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Language as a weapon - 2
Hi everybody!
I sure can argue and answer word for word. Yet, that is not my purpose.
I am trying to convey an idea. That idea is not contained in my write-up: Language as a weapon. It was just a causal fringe theme, that language can have ferocious capacities. Yet, what I really meant was not like what Markus Antonus stirred up with his ‘Friends, Roman——‘like theme.
It was not about one person being eulogised and his consequent happiness and glowing mood. It was not about rudely insulting a person with such outburst as ‘You son of a bitch’ or even the old ‘You son of a gun’, and similar more sophisticated outbursts.
In an old English movie’ A passage to India’, I have seen a British officer barking at his Indian orderly (or coolie). Well, all these are not the theme I requested the reader to ponder on. (In India, there is no need for such an outburst; slaves need no chains; chains are encrypted in the language codes).
What I meant was of more a direct understanding of as a weapon. Like saying in a very pleasant and sweet voice, ‘You come and sit here’, and the other man literally getting axed down. Like a high power rifle with a silencer.
How can an Englishman understand this statement? There are very cunning manoeuvrings used in feudal languages, to outmanoeuvre another individual socially. The society literally exists as a continuing circus of manoeuvrings and out-manoeuvrings.
These things add up to only a minor part of my book; immense other features of feudal language affects are discussed. Yet, comprehensively speaking it is about the real codes in the feudal languages. Most of these codes are conspicuous by their absence in English.
These codes really act like viruses to communication.
In an old English movie’ A passage to India’ , I have seen a British officer barking at his Indian orderly (or coolie). Well, all these are not the theme I requested the reader to ponder on. (In India, there is no need for such an outburst; slaves need no chains; chains are encrypted in the language codes).
What I meant was of more a direct understanding of as a weapon. Like saying in a very pleasant and sweet voice, ‘You come and sit here’, and the other man literally getting axed down. Like a high power rifle with a silencer.
How can an Englishman understand this statement? There are very cunning manoeuvrings used in feudal languages, to outmanoeuvre another individual socially. The society literally exists as a continuing circus of manoeuvrings and out-manoeuvrings .
These things add up to only a minor part of my book; immense other features of feudal language affects are discussed. Yet, comprehensively speaking it is about the real codes in the feudal languages . Most of these codes are conspicuous by their absence in English.
These codes really act like viruses to communication.
121. Teaching Sex, Teaching Commitment
122. Britain in Recession: The stuff of nightmare
123. Heaping a Sieve
124. Who is the enemy?, A series of mistakes
125. A Reprieve for the US, 700 Billion Squander
126. Barack Obama, Defining his demeanour
127. Have you received anything yet, Evans
128. Carnage In Gaza, Psychiatric cure
129. It Wont Work!, An epitaph for the British!!!
130. Policy Or Racism
131. British Causality in Afghanistan
132. A strategy with a finesse
134. What is the present level of Physics?
135. Court tags mother to control her truant son,
136. The English Legal System, Penalties, Death Penalty
137. What I really meant, The alien experience
138. British Collective Intelligence
139. The Liberation Tigers, Refining impressions
140. A comment in an Internet site on Indian reality
141. A homeland for the South African Whites
142. Wearing a Sikh turban in the US army
143. Attributes of ‘Sar’
144. Indian Marriages
145. BP Oil Spill and the infections that led to it
146. Money and Indian Languages
147. Saving the English Economies
148. Currency devaluation: the deceit
149. Communal Tension and Language Codes
150. What does (Indian) freedom mean to you?
151. The Hallowed Persons
152. Godfather: What props his pedestal?
153. What happens to fine Cities!
154. Language as a weapon 1
155. Language as a weapon 2
156. Language as a weapon 3
157. Racism: A skin deep, yet painful, 1
158. Racism: A skin deep, yet painful, 2
159. A piece of blasphemy