My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 1
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
A theme from the Reader’s Digest
A parameter of linguistic incoherence.
Recently I read a real life story in the Readers Digest. (I do not have the copy with me, so I write from memory). It was about an English woman who married a Palestinian man, many years ago. They live in England, and had 4 children. Then one fine morning, the man left for his ancestral place for a brief visit, and never came back again.
Later it became known that he had married again from his native place, and had no intention of coming back. The lady continued to communicate with him in regard to the children. After many years, when the children were in their teens, they planned a brief visit to Palestine, to visit their father.
On reaching there, it was a beautiful welcome. It was partying all the way. On the penultimate day of the return, the children were taken separately to, ostensibly, visit a relative. When the mother asked for them, her former husband’s brother came and informed her that she was to return alone. The children were staying. She was forcibly made to return the next day. The children were, more or less, detained without their knowledge or approval.
In the Reader’s Digest, the story continues along its pathetic route.
Many years ago, when I wrote my first version of my book on the effect of languages, I had written briefly on a theme that may have a brief, yet strange connection to the theme dealt above. It is an old writing. May need polish, and elaboration. Yet, I am quote the same without editing. Somehow this part did not come into the latest version of my book. I do not know why it happened.
Englishwomen marrying persons from feudal language nations
Another situation is that of an Englishwomen falling in love with a person belonging to a feudal language nation, in the west and then marrying and shifting residence to his native nation. She would have a shock. The carefree, brave, dynamic person that she knew over there would have metamorphosed into new personality, either a superior type of person who carefully weighs each and every word and interacts with others with care or a person who is subdued to so many other persons, mainly relatives and social acquaintances. If she herself does not learn the vernacular, then she is much saved from being under the savage enslaving of senior members of the family, which the local language would have enabled them with ease. If she does learn it, then she would not know how to save herself from the so many complicated strings of relationships which positions herself in a particular level, which has much bearing on her husbands own standing in the family and society. However, this knowledge would come late.
Now how do I connect this writing to the theme? Moreover, what is my interest in what happens to an Englishwoman?
Actually, the theme of my book was about the conflict of the social programs in languages, especially between English and feudal languages.
Now, what I would like to contend is that the same person has different personalities in different languages. Though Arabic may not be feudal, as one might categorise an Indian language, it may have lines that can really activate wrapping familial strings. Once these strings enwrap a person, the person is more or less a feeble personality, as compared to his own English demeanour.
Now in the case of the Palestinian husband, once he reaches his hometown the sheer force of the familial strings would have overwhelmed him. To the extend of overruling his own links to his wife and children.
Yet, despite my very brief quote, I must say that if Englishwomen who marry into and live in feudal social scenes, can maintain the English aura, they generally exist above the thraldom of the feudal familial strings, and subduing.
Beyond this, there is another theme: That of the claim of the husband to his children. Here, and in all such themes, there is need to understand another theme, which might even be a postulate.
Even though, in all incidences of competition, between nations, the general tendency is to compare the righteousness of each action. Yet, taken from a wider perspective, this may be a fallacious formula. For, I have found that in many incidences, where the English nations (read England) has been in the wrong, taking the wider implications, it is better the English nation wins. It is better for everyone concerned. For at least, the theme of fair play is not found to exist in many other nations.
Likewise, usually it is better if the children are brought up in England, as compared to Palestine. For, in such linguistic nations, the mental and social development of a person is severely routed through the rigid parameters in the language code.
0. Book profile
3. Schools with Asian language study
4. Immigration to English nations
5. We are White and we are proud
6. The other face of ‘Terrorism’
10. Survived and home from iraq
12. Joining the Euro: Don’t do an historic blunder
13. Princess Michael of Kent, a Royal Bigot?
14. Spying on the UN
16. Hijjab - Religious dress code, Have the French got it right?
17. Chinese School Janitor attacks nursery school kids (in China)
18. Prince Charles:, Eternal Bachelor
19. Answering Oldfred – How did the British, who came to India
20. Perspective from a vantage position
23. Intelligence
24. Business Process Outsourcing
25. Immigration policy & Freedom of Speech
26. Education: Formal verses informal
27. Israel’s “Terrorism” Barrier
28. The London Olympic Bid, will the benefits outweigh the costs?
29. Thatcher son arrested for alleged coup link, can mommy bail him out?
30. Tsunami and the British legacy, Part I: What exists below the surface
31. The foreign worker and economic prosperity, A thinking in construction
32. A theme from the Reader’s Digest
33. The legitimacy of the Asylum seekers
34. Social welfare system, the best of British
36. Euro Myths, here are some of them
37. Inter-racial marriages in the House of Windsor
38. Nationality, immigration and asylum act 2002, An Overview
39. What ails Britain?, My inferences