My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 2
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Feudal Languages: A delineation
Quote: Ranslow (Envisage, and forestall the perils)
Ok Ved, what languages would you consider feudal?
Here is a small compilation of world languages. Copy it and add commentary for each language appropriately
Even though, I declined to answer this question, on retrospection, I thought I could do it.
But before that may I say that I can explain the term ‘feudal language’ in a most easy way. I can just say, ‘ look at the terms in English like Thee, Thine, Your Majesty, Your Highness etc. These are feudal terms and can denote areas where English is feudal in usage.’
Yet the idea that gets conveyed here would miss the mark by astronomical distances.
Let me try to list out the languages, which I feel are feudal. Even here, I would like to say that all problem languages need not be feudal; there may be other design defects in them, which can be different from pure feudalism.
I believe that many Asian languages are feudal; Chinese for instance can be feudal; Japanese can be feudal enough to mentally force a person to perform hara-kiri, rather than face the sting of the language once he or she has lost face socially.
Almost all Indian languages are feudal; generally the South Indian languages very much so, and other languages like Hindi being slightly better in comparison. The mother language Sankrit is definitely feudal.
Many European languages can have problems. I do not know much about them; but then I can deduce certain themes from historical and social inclinations the various nations have exhibited.
For example, French may have had some defects, and possibly still has some. May I quote from my writings?
In many ways, unless there have been changes in specific areas in the language software of France, whatever has happened will happen again. But not necessarily in the same manner, for the world has changed heavily. But the same root designs in the way the society functions would continue. A sort of immaturity and also a continuing feeling of not achieving the ideal social situation has been a hallmark of France; another one is that they are not dependable as a nation; a sort of smarting under somebody’s snub, sort of behaviour is also a continuing character; and even if one were to befriend them, and they feel slightly lesser in importance, in comparison to their partner, then at critical moments they would put on a show of high placed self-righteousness and go off in a tangential direction; all with the aim of showing the world that they have an independent mind; for in their language, an understanding of their secondary status would have been bothering them.
(I do not connect anything with genetic character, only that the design in the language can control inclinations).
I am sure that Italian does have a very visible area of feudal content. As for German, there can be an element in its design that can really either bring in regimentation, or disintegration.
At least some of the Russian languages can be very feudal. And it is possible that all nations, where communism came to power, the language can be feudal.
I don’t what to go on and on, and test the reader’s patience.
Actually I can list out the various affects of negative languages, yet I think I can invite readers to download the initial pages of my book from my website. In the chapter list, you can see the immense amount of finer areas where such languages brings in havoc and destruction.
Beyond that I would like say that the feudalism in English that I denoted in the initial part is not really comparable with the theme that I am trying to convey. As far as some of the languages that I have studied, I find that in them, the feudal communication is not aimed at a specific level in society, but is a really active theme in all levels of communication.
Also, many of them have words (towards the lower person) that sound either really sharply insulting, or purely vulgar. Also, many such words can really allow intrusive domination to the superior, to the extent of allowing any level of penetrating questions, and taunting.
The fact is that Englishmen who lived in many such nations did notice this factor, but may not have studied it. Yet, they were aware of its dangerous portent.
But the English administrators at home were blissfully unaware of this!
Hi Welshman
You truly are aggressive!
To try to find a political origin - or, even worse, try to justify some kind of ‘higher intelligence’ as being described by the use of any language (including English) is patently ridiculous.
I do not have any racial aims in what I am proposing. On the contrary, I am trying to say that there is no inherent racial superiority, apart from the superiority certain languages can bestow on its speakers. And the dangers inherent in certain languages.
Perhaps you would care to think on how English itself has developed - especially how it has developed in countries such as the USA or Australia.
It might be of interest to you when I say that the difference between British English and American English is very, very negligible compared to the differences that I have found between the varying dialects in certain vernacular languages in India. For example, in one South Indian language, I found that the dialect of a place couldn’t be understood by persons speaking the same language, at a distance of about 200kms!!!
Compare it with the distance between US and England, and also think of the vastness of US, in geographical terms.
As to the development of English in US and Australia- it has not been as has been going on in many Asian Nations, and possibly in some European and African nations. There is a difference. And my contention is that if one is not careful, the same terms (routes) of development could come catching over there also.
If you have no ‘real’ knowledge of language, how can you possibly dream up such a strange, unconnected theory of the origin and import of language?
I cannot say that I do not know anything about languages. But what I sought to find out was whether there is a specific social design in languages. (I do not know if usually linguists do seek this factor out-I have not heard of anyone saying this). Of its existence I am more or less sure. For, I have seen it in all the languages, that I have been acquainted.
But then, when speaking about European languages, I did try to use what even scientists use, for example, in trying to know if there is water or some other element in a distant planet. By seeking out its effects.
I myself speak English, Welsh, French, Italian and Spanish. I also have retained my early knowledge of Latin, together with a smattering of German
I perfectly believe that you do stand in a very special position, in that you could enlighten me as to whether my contentions do have some value. And I stand in a very insecure position in that you are in a position to know whether my propositions are bona fide.
unconnected theory of the origin and import of language?
Actually, I am not concerned much about the origin of languages; my actual focus is on what designs are being attached to a specific language, and what it does to its speakers.
To put in very good words, I know what speaking good English, (without feudal fittings) can do to a person’s physical features, and postures. I do have very discernible evidence.
I am having some problem with my computer. I am using a outside cafe to send this mail. This is very slow.
I did not have the time to go through the article.
But then, I am posting one of my writings.
Please excuse:
What I meant was not about accent. Actually, what I found was that majority of the words were different, even if they were in written form.
And as to accent, this problem was also there among the speakers of this language, but this remained separate from what I described as absolutely ‘incomprehensible’.
Now about the evolution of languages. Actually I have found during my debate here, that whatever I say is understood in a different manner over there. The minimum understanding that I should take from this is that the phenomenon that I am trying to descrbe is absolutely unknown among English speakers. Even though the exposure to this is now becoming an increasing eventuality.
You have mentioned about the gathering of various words and phrases by English language during the course of its historical growth. Yet again, this has nothing to do with what I am contending.
For example, I am giving a minor list of words that many Indian languages have adapted/ borrowed/taken from their brief association with English.
Road, switch, curve, book, page, building, tar, chemical, desk, bench, off, on, light, tube, canal, car, lorry, jeep, problem, vehicle, permit, licence, inspector, police, system, class, school, competition, teacher, master, shoot, fire, construction, shirt, pants, engineering, medicine, doctor, habit, mental, bank, cash, gate, country, village, —————————. The list is long.
Yet, the vernacular does not change into English, and there is no change in its basic feudal design.
Now in English also many Indian words have come: Like bungalow, curry etc. Here again the basic communication structure of English is not changing.
But then, in many states of India, there are varying forms of vernacular English; most of them have a severe similarity. That is, the feudal structure of the local vernacular is increasingly getting embedded in this English.
But then, what I was trying to convey again, is not about the infection of English by these languages, but the fact that these sick languages do create sick social conditions. And when such languages get free access to English social systems, the society there also starts exhibiting the same disease conditions.
Now what are these sick conditions? Well, I can’t say it in a very offhand manner. The effects are really immense. For, language is the communication software that connects human beings in all relationships, whether it is personal, professional, familial, or social.
Also, the grave danger to intelligent social conditions when feudal social systems come into prominence. But then, again there is a problem. The word ‘feudal’ also has a very different connotation over there; with its connection with the ‘manor’ system. The other feudal system that I am trying to convey has nothing to do with this; moreover, it really can exist without formal social class structures; even though it can, with length of time, create absolutely crippling social scenarios.
Haven’t you noticed a difference in the English historical experiences? Well, I directly found the reason in the correct areas in the language.
As to my not doing enough research on my themes: Well, there has been enough and more research. Yet, it was not done through books, or through the Internet. In fact my book has not a single allusion to any other scholarly work; but depends solely on my own observations, and understandings.
Now then, can’t I just call some French, German, Dutch, Afrikaner, Zulu, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and many other language scholars and check whether the themes I am contending are really in existence in their languages. Well, over the years I took a very different stance. I have dealt immense themes in my writing. And I generally base it to a basic presumption that social relations do function on a particular design in the language. Now, it is for the reader to see whether what I am predicting is a reality or just a figment of my imagination. And I am sure the results would be remarkable.
I can also tell you that persons who think in English would not get any idea as to what is this design I am talking about, by reading this post of mine.
42. Was Iraq right?
43. Suffering dogs and starving kids
45. Marxism
46. Why the left is wrong about Israel
47. Feudalism in British languages
48. The European Union, Case for keeping away
52. Democracy Vs. Dictatorship
53. D-Day
54. US and England
55. Should Blair distance himself from Bush?, Your views.
58. Enemy combatant maltreatment
60. Vernacular English, Rejoinder to Welshman and Attila
61. Feudal Languages: A delineation
63. Forced Metamorphosis of English nations
65. How to Win the War on Terrorism
67. Should the British pull out of Iraq?
68. Envisage, and forestall the perils
71. An intelligent immigration policy
73. Disinterested musings on formal scholarships
74. The asylum
76. Hijjab - Religious dress code
77. Whatever Happened to the UK
79. The foreign worker and economic prosperity