My Online Writings - 2004 - '07

Part 2
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!
Train and Coach Travel
I apologise for taking the topic off-track.
I do not know whether I might be on the right track about this. But, it seems that what you are experiencing is the beginning stages of the phenomena known as globalisation.
Any business having an international link would have to dip its rates to the lowest bottoms, which would have to reflect the strength of weaker currency nations. For, almost all infrastructure, and personnel may have to be brought into parity with the developing nations’ standards. It can be felt in the Airlines, and many other areas. For example, if the BBC is employing staff and infrastructure from third world nations, the expense would come down drastically.
I feel that there is a lot more to be understood, when moving through this twilight zone period. And one may not find the right answers if one just goes through the traditional economic theories, like that of Mercantilism, Adam Smith, laissez faire, free market economy, demand and supply, dynamic checks and balances of economic activity etc. For, they may not be fully equipped to understand the comprehensive and overwhelming effects of this phenomenon.
But then, many years ago, I was severely admonished for stepping into areas, which remain the domain of experts (in my nation).
As for the theme on rail travel, I find it interesting that in my writings (book) there was a theme with really does resonate on the very theme that was discussed here.
42. Was Iraq right?
43. Suffering dogs and starving kids
45. Marxism
46. Why the left is wrong about Israel
47. Feudalism in British languages
48. The European Union, Case for keeping away
52. Democracy Vs. Dictatorship
53. D-Day
54. US and England
55. Should Blair distance himself from Bush?, Your views.
58. Enemy combatant maltreatment
60. Vernacular English, Rejoinder to Welshman and Attila
61. Feudal Languages: A delineation
63. Forced Metamorphosis of English nations
65. How to Win the War on Terrorism
67. Should the British pull out of Iraq?
68. Envisage, and forestall the perils
71. An intelligent immigration policy
73. Disinterested musings on formal scholarships
74. The asylum
76. Hijjab - Religious dress code
77. Whatever Happened to the UK
79. The foreign worker and economic prosperity