Writ Petition against Compulsory Malayalam Study
An argument against teaching feudal languages
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

1. The petitioner is the Administrator of Victoria Institutions, Deverkovil.
2. Victoria Institutions is providing English training to the general public. It is also involved in research on the codes inside languages, and their effects on society and individuals.
3. The petitioner writes under the penname of Ved from Victoria Institutions.
4. He has written two research papers on this subject. They have been published online, and they are available for free download online.
5. Their titles are:
a. March of the evil empires; English verses the feudal languages
b. Codes of reality! What is language?
6. The petitioner has done a life-time of research on the codes inside languages. His findings that are of relevance here are mentioned below.
a. Malayalam is a very feudal language. It contains the codes of the now obsolete janmi-kudiyaan social relationship and communication.
b. It can bring in division in society. And also quality problems in the people as well as in the society as a whole.
7. On the 25th of January 2011, the Kerala Cabinet, led by Chief Minister Mr. V. S. Achuthanandan approved in principle the report of the R.V.G Menon Committee on compulsory teaching of Malayalam in all schools in Kerala.
8. The election manifesto of the Marxist Party of India that came out in March proclaims that if the left front comes back to power, Malayalam would be compulsorily taught to all students in Kerala.
9. However there has been a certain other communist party in India, the SUCI, which has consistently fought for the right of the people to study English.
10.The UDF government which got power after election also continued this decision. On 06-05-2011, the Kerala Education department issued an order to the effect that all schools in Kerala are to be compulsorily taught Malayalam to all students.
11.The contention of the petitioner is that Malayalam is feudal language, supportive of the Janmi-kudiyaan social relationship and contains a large number of negative aspects. It should not be imposed on individuals who are not disposed to learn it.
12.His findings that are of relevance here are mentioned below. He is of the opinion that the learned committee headed by the profoundly learned Dr. R.V.G Menon has not at all dealt with issues that he had detected. Nor has Dr. Viswan, Chairman, Assembly committee on official language.
13.As to the vested interests of the Communist Party (Marxist), it is a cadre based party that runs on ancient feudal (janmi-kuyaan sort of relationship) communication set up.
14. True copy of Order dated: 06-05-2011; MS NO: 103/11; Department of Public Education is produced and marked as Exhibit P1. True copy of the Report submitted by Dr. GVR Menon Committee is produced and marked as Exhibit P2. True copy of the Dr. Viswan Committee Directive is produced and marked as Exhibit P3. True copy of the online media report on the Left Manifesto dated 05-03-2011 is produced and marked as Exhibit P4. True copy of relevant section on Wikipedia page on SUCI is produced and marked as Exhibit P5. Relevant sections of the research work done by the petitioner on the effect of feudalism in languages, March of evil empires: English versus the feudal languages is produced and marked as Exhibit P6. Relevant sections of the research work done by the petitioner on the codes inside languages. Codes of reality! What is language? is produced and marked as Exhibit P7.