Writ Petition against Compulsory Malayalam Study
An argument against teaching feudal languages
It is foretold! The torrential flow of inexorable destiny!

1. Article 14: Right to equality: Right to equality is not inherent in Malayalam
2. Article19: Right to study or not to study. Anyone has the right to learn or not to learn anything. If anything is being imposed on the populace, the authorities concerned should make it clear that there is nothing negative or dangerous in that item.
3. Language is a software for communication and certain other things. This software has social designs encrypted into it.
4. Malayalam has feudal (Janmi-Kudiyaan suppressive social relationship) social design in it.
5. Malayalam has an array of words of addressing and referring to, which can bring in division and many mental complexes in human beings and society. A minor example: (Nee, Ningal, Thangal, Sar) (Avan, Aval, Avattakal, Ayaal, Adheham, Avar, Sar).
6. These words have different social, mental and relationship effects on the effected persons, persons who see or hear the conversation and on the total society as a whole.
7. In this sense, Malayalam and many other Indian languages are entirely different from English.
8. Pejorative words of addressing and referring to are used towards persons who are perceived as lower placed by age, financial acumen, professional standards and much else.
9. Ennobling words and usages are reserved for those seen as or defined as superior persons.
10. This can create the issue of inequality before the law.
11. This can lead to different manners in which the administrative set-up deals with different persons.
12. This is one of the major reasons for the brutal behaviour of the police.
13. This can create personality depreciation in the negatively affected persons. They may feel compelled to overact or act over-smart to tide over the feelings of inferiority complex that sets in.
14. This can create excessive feelings of domination and superiority in persons who are placed on the higher strata of the words.
15. This can despoil many good professions, jobs and persons by being associated with lower grade pejorative words.
16. This can either lead to over regimentation or lack of discipline in the professional fields and social communication. And also in public administration.
17. A main reason for communal strife in our nation can be connected to the feudal content in our languages.
18. Pejorative words are used to students by the teachers. It is not conducive to the personality development of all students. It can lead to a diabolic personality development in certain students, and personality depreciation and mental insecurity in others.
19. Persons who belong to the higher echelons of the administration and those who are financially strong and influential would find it easy to communicate with the bureaucracy and the police. This in many ways leads to a feeling that both the administrative set-up as well as the police machinery is their private fiefdom for personal use.
20. Common man’s individuality is inversely affected by the feudalism in the language. For he or she would receive lower class words of addressing and referring to from the administration and police personnel.
21. He or she may find the government departments including the police, non-supportive when he or she has to approach them.
22. Lower placed persons may find it difficult to negotiate, argue or debate from a position of dignified stature with the personnel in administrative departments, and other persons who are placed superior to him or her by feudal words.
23. From an overall perspective, the feudal communication structure in Malayalam can negatively affect: Jurisprudence, Administrative efficiency, Personality development of the people, Police behaviour to the common man, Quality of education, Social communication (which can only move through pre-defined routes of hierarchy and subordination) etc.
24. People would feel repulsion to the nation as soon as they get to see the good sides of English and shall make desperate attempts to migrate to English nations.
25. In their haste to move away from the people kept on the lower side of the feudal words, the public servants would go in for corruption to amass money.
26. English can bring in dignity to many professions other than only to government jobs, doctoring, engineering, teaching and such.
27. An education system based on feudal vernacular languages does necessarily degrade a lot of professions, while it ennobles a few others. Thus it is discriminatory.
28. A child of a common man who gets naturally indoctrinated thus by the feudal vernacular shall sense his father’s and mother’s profession to be low-grade, for he or she would see the doctors, engineers, government employees, teachers etc. being given higher grade words and usages.
29. Education that is devoid of good English is not good education.
30. Primary education should be differentiated from technical knowledge. Technical knowledge would include such things as Carpentry, Software Engineering, Medical profession, Mathematics, Physics etc.
31. Good knowledge in English is by itself a grand education that cannot be competed with by feudal vernaculars.
32. Social classes that have been amalgamated into the Indian nation such as the Adivasis, have been despoiled, since even their clan chieftains have been degraded by the use of lower grade words by even the government peons and policemen of shipai rank, apart from all other officials.
33. Teachers who do not have adequate knowledge in English would only send the message to the children that English is a foreign language that should not be studied.
34. It is in many ways a fooling of the child and his or her parents.
35. Parents spend a lot of money and daily effort to get their children to school, where their children are simply fooled into believing that they are learning a lot, even without learning a bit of English.
36. Individuals who feel that they have been fooled by current day education and education policy makers have the right to sue the authorities and individuals concerned for depriving them of the right and opportunity to learn good English, even after 10 to 17 years of formal education.
37. When children are being taught Malayalam, they or their parents should be informed about the feudal character of Malayalam; and their position viz-a-viz that of their teachers and others, in Malayalam.
38. For feudal languages extend a diabolic right to others to define, dominate, distract and even socially strangle a person. There is no defence against this attack that can come through words, even in soft spoken form.
39. It is contended that the learned committee should take into cognizance the ideas expressed here before proclaiming unilateral directives.
For these and other grounds that may be urged at the time of hearing, it is humbly prayed that this Honourable Court may be pleased to:
a) Issue a Writ of Mandamus or a Writ in the nature of mandamus or any other Writ, Order or Direction, directing the Respondents herein to withdraw the order dated 06-05-2011 by the second respondent to make Malayalam a compulsory language for study up to 8th standard as it is a violation of Article 14 and 19 of the Constitution of India.
b) Issue a Writ of Mandamus or a Writ in the nature of mandamus or any other Writ, Order or Direction, directing Respondent No 1 to appoint a committee to examine the effect of feudal words, usages, and other negative aspects inherent in Malayalam language on the people, individuals, public officials, police behaviour and society as a whole.