You and your star!
October 6ᵗʰ, 15ᵗʰ, 24rd
Persons born on October 6ᵗʰ, 15ᵗʰ, 24rd.
Number 6 people in this month.
If you were born on any of the above dates in October, following the rules of Zodiacal Astrology and my system based on Chaldean Numerology, you come under the vibrations of Venus and Saturn in the Zodiacal Sign of Libra, Second House of the Triplicity of Air.
The basic foundation of your character and disposition is that described in preceding pages for persons If you in October.
Venus in its negative House in this part of the year, will play a very important role in your life. You will create a large circle of friends and be a general favourite wherever you may live.
You will have great persona] magnetism and much influence and attraction for your opposite sex.
You will love to entertain and have large expenditure, yet you will not be wasteful or unduly extravagant for you have the faculty making “a big show” out of very little.
You are likely to have many love affairs and more than one marriage, but you will have many trials, disappointments and curious experiences to pass-through in such matters.
Owing to your own individual talents you will rise to occupy high social positions and will draw persons of rank and wealth into your life.
You will have great appreciation for literature, music, painting, poetry, the drama, and the fine arts in general, and if you do not work in some of these things yourself, you will be a patron of them and have protégés in whom you will be interested, but if you wanted to follow any of these arts as a career you should meet with considerable success.
You will be fortunate in investments and in finance generally, especially if you follow your own intuition. You will be lucky in partnerships or in business investments in matters dealing with the public.
On account of your having great recuperative power at the hack of your constitution, you are not likely to have much illness, with the exception of having easily bruised flesh from which there may be some danger of tumours. In your early years you are likely to have inflamed tonsils and some trouble at the back of the tongue and throat.
Your most important numbers and dates will be associated with the “six” and all its series, and dates such as the 6ᵗʰ, 15ᵗʰ, and 24ᵗʰ, in any month of the year, but more especially during the months of May and October.
To increase your magnetic vibrations you should wear the colours of Venus and the Sun in some part of your clothing, such as:
The Sun: All shades of gold, yellow, orange to golden brown.
Venus: All shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest.
Your “lucky” jewels are diamonds, topaz, amber and turquoise.
The most important or climacteric years in your life are the 6ᵗʰ, 15ᵗʰ, 24ᵗʰ, 33ʳᵈ, 42ⁿᵈ, 51ˢᵗ, 60ᵗʰ and 69ᵗʰ.
You will be much attracted to people born in the “six” series, such as those born on the 6ᵗʰ, 15ᵗʰ or 24ᵗʰ in any month of the year.
* Ina Claire, to well known in motion picture circles, came several times to consult me in Hollywood. Although a very beautiful woman, she has not been very fortunate in her love affairs. The break-up of her marriage with Jack Gilbert hurt her very deeply. She was his third wife.