You and your star!
November 28ᵗʰ and December 1ˢᵗ, 10ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ
Persons born on November 28ᵗʰ and December 1ˢᵗ, 10ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ.
Number 1 people in this month.
If you were born on any of the above dates, following the rules of Zodiacal Astrology and my system based on Chaldean Numerology, you come under the vibrations of the Sun, Uranus and Jupiter in the Zodiacal Sign of Sagittarius.
Third House of the Triplicity of Fire.
The basic foundation of your character and disposition is described in preceding pages for persons born in December. The reason that November 28ᵗʰ comes into the “December zone” is, that the Sign of Sagittarius has already commenced and the 28ᵗʰ of November is the first “Number One” in that Sign.
Persons born on the above dates are classed as “Number One” people. They are endowed with sunny, happy, hopeful dispositions; no difficulties seem to dampen their ardour; they are optimists in the highest sense of the word.
They are generous even in their thoughts to others. Although outspoken and frank in their expressions. They are extremely enterprising and courageous; if baffled in one direction they will try another and again another, until they finally succeed.
They give willingly of whatever they have and are inclined to impoverish themselves in their desire to be helpful to those less fortunate. At the same time they are rarely deceived; they seem to know intuitively the people who want “to take them in;” they never show malice and are likely to stretch out a helping hand even to persons who have tried to trick them.
They have enormous energy in any work they are engaged in and do not spare themselves in any way. They dislike to be under a master and for that very reason they generally rise to be their own.
They have a large amount of ambition, but keep it well under control. They never ask for the impossible or “cry for the moon.”
They are extremely honourable and make no debts they cannot pay.
At bean, they have a deep respect for law and order and in any community of which they are part they may be relied on to assist constituted authority in the discharge of its duty.
They love outdoor sports and generally excel in such things.
As the Zodiacal symbol of their Sign is half-horse half-man, they possess strong animal desires, but as a rule hold them well under mental control.
They have a deep respect for science, philosophy and religion, often making excellent preachers or ministers, but free from cant and hypocrisy.
They love to listen to good speakers, have a great desire to express their own thoughts, but on account of being extremely sensitive their eloquence only comes when they feel they have a message to deliver—but anything they do or say goes direct, like an arrow to its mark.
Persons born in the Sign of Sagittarius always make money in whatever work they are engaged in, but they are inclined to take risks and at times lose heavily by speculations. If they lose they are never down-hearted or blame others for their losses; they just fall back on their work or profession and build up their bank balance again.
Persons born on the dates mentioned in Sagittarius, are blessed with splendid constitutions; their only danger is from a nervous breakdown caused by overwork. If you were born on any of these mentioned dates, the most important numbers influencing your life are the “ones” and “threes.” The dates in any month of the year on which you should try to make-your plans or engagements are the1ˢᵗ, 3ʳᵈ, 10ᵗʰ, 12ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 21ˢᵗ, 28ᵗʰ and 30ᵗʰ.
In order to increase your magnetic vibrations, you should wear in some part of your dress the colours of your principal planets, which are:
The Sun: All shades of gold, yellow, bronze to golden brown.
Jupiter: All shades of mauve, violet or violet-purple.
Your “lucky” jewels are diamonds, topaz, amber and amethysts.
The most important or climacteric years of your life are the 1ˢᵗ, 3ʳᵈ, 10ᵗʰ, 12ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 21ˢᵗ, 28ᵗʰ, 30ᵗʰ, 37ᵗʰ, 39ᵗʰ, 46ᵗʰ, 48ᵗʰ, 54ᵗʰ, 57ᵗʰ, 64ᵗʰ, 66ᵗʰ, 73ʳᵈ and 75ᵗʰ.
You will be attracted to persons born in the series of the “one” and the “three”, such as those born on the 1ˢᵗ, 3ʳᵈ, 10ᵗʰ, 12ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 21ˢᵗ, 28ᵗʰ, and 30ᵗʰ, in any month of the year.
Note: President Wilson, 28ᵗʰ President of the United States, was born on December 28ᵗʰ, 1856, representing the first of the "Number Ones” in Capricorn, House of Saturn, and (Positive).
* Her Majesty Queen Alexandra had me come to Buckingham Palace when King Edward was supposed to be dying in June, 1902, to assure His Majesty that I held to my prediction made twenty years before, that he would live to see his 69ᵗʰ year. The King passed away on Friday, May 6, 1910, halfway through his 69ᵗʰ year.
** The Countess of Warrick, one of the most remarkable women in England, often came to consult me. She astonished all her friends by becoming a Socialist and presenting as a haven of refuge to the Party, her beautiful estate in the South of England.