You and your star!
March 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, 23ʳᵈ.
Persons born on March 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, 23ʳᵈ.
Number 5 people in this month.
If you were born on any one of the above dates, following the rules of Zodiacal Astrology and my system of Chaldean Numerology, you come under the vibrations of the planet Mercury in the Zodiacal Sign of Pisces, House of Jupiter, (Negative), and Third House of the Water Triplicity.
The foundation of your character and disposition will be that described for persons born in March, but the influence of Mercury in this part of the year with the beneficent vibrations of Jupiter, will lessen any of the bad tendencies given in that description.
You will be either a great success or a great failure, depending completely on whether you develop the strong side of your character or allow the weaker to dominate.
If you develop the strong side, you will have uncommon intellectual gifts, great adaptability to any class of work that interests you, a versatile understanding of things in general, very ingenious and inventive, with a ready wit and a quiet way of turning difficulties to your own account.
In money matters you will have good ideas in speculation, you will dearly like a gamble and will always be ready to take a risk. Money, however, will not remain in your hands, and you will have many financial “ups and downs.”
If the weaker side of the character is allowed to rule, you will stick at nothing long; you will be a “jack of all trades,” but matter of none. You will gamble with opportunities, money and position, and lose all in doing so. You will be inclined to self-indulgence of all kinds and ruin the good intellect you started with.
If you develop the better side of your nature you will have a keen intuitive perception of people and things and a method of acquiring a vast store of knowledge. You will have a certain restlessness of mind which would be detrimental if you do not control it and develop concentration.
Persons born on the 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ or 23ʳᵈ of March as a rule change their residence frequently. They bate being tied down or to have to live in one home for any length of time. They are always ready to move or to travel and generally find some excuse for doing so.
They are extremely versatile in knowledge and able to talk well on any subject that crops up in general conversation. I often find persons born on these dates have considerable financial ability and do well in such things, provided they do not let their large schemes get out of their control, as was the case with Horatio Bottomley, born on March 23ʳᵈ. Persons born under these combinations often show great inventive power, or bring forward new theories that startle the world, as was the case with Einstein, born March 14, and his theory of “Relativity.”
In spite of the brilliant talents persons born on these dates are endowed with, they seldom die rich. Money seems to melt in their hands and they rarely if ever make provision for their advanced years.
I have known some of the world-wide financiers born under these combinations in this period of the year, see their great schemes go to pieces long before they reached the end of their life.
You will be inclined to suffer from “nerves,” and to become irritable in the face of opposition. This you should endeavour to control, as it will be a detriment to any mental pursuit you may wish to develop.
You will be also so versatile, that it will be very difficult for you to know where your talents really lie. All this will have a bad effect on your health and may threaten a nervous mental breakdown if you do not make an effort to keep your nerves under absolute control.
If you were born on March 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ or 23ʳᵈ, your most important numbers are the “five” and the “three," and all their series, and you should try and carryout your plans on dates making these numbers, such as the 3ʳᵈ, 5ᵗʰ, 12ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, 21ˢᵗ, 23ʳᵈ and 30ᵗʰ.
You will be adaptable to all colours, but light shades with a touch of violet or mauve will be the most suitable for you.
Your “lucky” jewels are diamonds and all glistening or brilliant stones.
The most important or climacteric years in your life are the 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, 23ʳᵈ, 32ⁿᵈ, 41ˢᵗ, 50ᵗʰ, 68ᵗʰ and 77ᵗʰ.
You will find a strong magnetic attraction to persons born on dates making a “five” in any month of the year, such as the 5ᵗʰ, 14ᵗʰ, 23ʳᵈ, also the 3ʳᵈ, 12ᵗʰ, 21ˢᵗ and 30ᵗʰ.
* Barron Collier, one of the big financiers of the States, whose promotions ran far into millions, came to see me in New York. He has acknowledged many times since then how I accurately predicted what would take place in his career.
** Horatio Bottomley, one of the most brilliant men in England, and perhaps one of the greatest speculators of his day, had a most sensational career. He organised the Hansard Syndicate that controlled millions of English money. He founded the newspaper "John Bull,” which for years had an enormous circulation. When he first came to see me he was at the height of his career and could not believe when I described how he would overreach himself, his great schemes come to the dust and he himself would land in prison. But that was exactly what did happen.
*** Sir Charles Wyndham, at one time one of the most successful actor-managers in London, and owner of the Criterion Theatre, was one of the many who could not take my warnings and make provision for his advanced years. He forgot that Fate often turns its face on its favourites when they do not take its warnings.