You and your star!
April 1ˢᵗ, 10ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 28ᵗʰ
Persons born on April 1ˢᵗ, 10ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 28ᵗʰ.
Number 1 people in this month.
If you were born on any one of the above dates, following the rules of Astrology and my system of Chaldean Numerology, you come under the vibrations of the Sun and Mars (Positive), in the Zodiacal Sign of Aries, First House of the Triplicity of Fire.
This is a very powerful combination which should enable you to carry out your plans and ambitions to a successful issue.
The basic foundation of your character and disposition is described in preceding pages for persons born in April.
In your special case all the stronger qualities will make themselves manifest even early in your career.
You will be highly creative and original in your plans and have great fearlessness and determination of purpose. You will be decidedly ambitious. You will rise above your fellows and are likely to become the most prominent member of your family or among your relations.
You would be more successful without partners than with them.
You will detest restraint of any kind, be a law unto yourself and will inconsequence make many enemies in fighting your way through the battle of life.
You will be extremely generous if allowed to have your own way, but as hard as iron if opposed, or if anyone should try to take any advantage of you in even the smallest way.
You will crave for love and affection, but find it the hardest thing to gain, unless you meet those who fit in with your ambition.
You will be likely to have disputes with any children you may have and in domestic matters.
You will have an intense longing for outdoor life and a love of sport in all its forms. You should, however, be extremely careful in all matters of carrying guns. You will also run considerable risk from fire, explosions, motor car accidents and such like.
You will have many “ups and downs” in money matters, but chiefly owing to your own rashness and in attempting enterprises beyond your power of execution. Owing to your magnetic nature you will have great influence over others, especially your opposite sex.
You would make a successful company promoter, preacher, orator, organiser, or in any career that would bring you before the public. You will always have the ability to make money but at the same time you are likely to make many bitter enemies in the course of your career.
In health you should have great vitality and a splendid constitution, although you will at times undermine it by over-strain and overwork.
Your greatest danger will come from high blood pressure, heart disease or apoplexy. You should endeavour to keep on a simple diet and above all things avoid the use of alcohol and strong stimulants of any kind.
Your most important numbers and dates are the “one” and “nine” with all their series. You should endeavour to carry out your plans on dates making these numbers, which are the 1ˢᵗ, 9ᵗʰ, 10ᵗʰ, 18ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 27ᵗʰ and 28ᵗʰ.
You may find the numbers of “four” and “eight” and their series being drawn greatly into your life, but these it would be better to avoid as much as possible, such numbers as the 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26 and 31, or accept them as warnings and act accordingly.
To increase your magnetic vibrations and so make yourself more fortunate, you should wear the colours relating to the Sun and Mars, which are:
Sun: AH shades of gold, yellow, orange to golden brown.
Mars: All shades of red, crimson or rose.
Your “lucky” jewels are topaz, amber, diamonds and red stones, such as the ruby and garnet.
The most important or climacteric years in your life are the 9ᵗʰ, 10ᵗʰ, 18ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 27ᵗʰ, 28ᵗʰ, 36ᵗʰ, 37ᵗʰ, 45ᵗʰ, 46ᵗʰ, 54ᵗʰ, 64ᵗʰ, 72ⁿᵈ and 73ʳᵈ.
You will find a strong magnetic attraction to persons born on dates making a “one,” “four,” “eight” or “nine” in any month of the year, such as the 1ˢᵗ, 4ᵗʰ, 8ᵗʰ, 9ᵗʰ, 10ᵗʰ, 13ᵗʰ, 17ᵗʰ, 18ᵗʰ, 19ᵗʰ, 22ⁿᵈ, 26ᵗʰ, 27ᵗʰ, 28ᵗʰ and 31ˢᵗ.
* Lord Brotherton, a great organizer of industry, who rose from the ranks, being born under Mars in April, always wore a ruby as his lucky jewel.
** George Arliss, the famous actor, took a deep interest in my System of Numbers.
*** Joseph Pulitzer, founder of the New York World, had me interviewed the moment I arrived in New York and published a full front page account of my reading of the impressions of famous hands his reporter put before me.