You and your star!
August 7ᵗʰ, 16ᵗʰ, 25ᵗʰ
Persons born on August 7ᵗʰ, 16ᵗʰ, 25ᵗʰ.
Number 7 people in this month.
If you were born on any of the above dates in August, following the rules of Zodiacal Astrology combined with my system based on Chaldean Numerology, you come under the vibrations of Neptune, the Moon, Sun and Uranus in the Sign of Leo the Lion, Second House of the Triplicity of Fire.
The basic foundation of your character and disposition is described in preceding pages for persons born in August.
In your special case the more dominant qualities will be influenced by the planets of Neptune, the Moon, Sun and Uranus. This is a very peculiar combination which I will endeavour to set out in detail.
Neptune in Leo will cause you to be extremely ambitious but not in ordinary ways. Your ambition may not be to dominate or rule others, but will concern you more with whatever your work may be. You will be ambitious for its success more than from a personal standpoint.
You will have a love of all the fine arts, such as music, painting, poetry, the dramatic arts, the opera, together with occult and philosophical subjects.
You will be quiet and rather dignified in manner, with high emotional feelings, more or less spiritually inclined but a warm-hearted benevolent nature towards your fellow-beings.
You will have many heartaches and disappointments in matters of the affections without them causing you to become hard or embittered in your feelings.
The combination of the other planets influencing this period of the Zodiac in which you were born will add great originality to your thoughts, making you independent in your views of the opinions of others.
You will have very decided attractions and aversions to people, many ex->g adventure - and peculiar out of the ordinary romances with members of your xxxx whirl, will be likely to bring you both criticism and trouble.
You will be more successful in some individual line of work, depending purely on your own personality than in any form of business or commercial life.
You will have a constant and keen desire for travel and change of place, but you should keep the restless side of your disposition well under control.
You will be extremely sensitive both in relation to people and your surroundings. You will be gifted with intuition and inspiration. You would do well in writing on mysticism or any form of occultism, or in painting in fantastic, visionary or mystical lines, or in literary work from your own strongly individual outlook.
This will be a difficult point for you to reason out with yourself. You will not love money or any routine of business life, yet out of the spirit of self-sacrifice for the welfare of others you will want to make money and will be likely to take-up positions distasteful to your disposition. This does not mean that you will be unable to earn money, but rather that it will be hard for you to get into anything congenial to your nature.
If you should have an income independent of your personal efforts, do not seek to increase it by speculation or by following the advice of others.
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The question of health is altogether subject to your mind. It will be with you a struggle of spirit over the material. From the ordinary way of looking xxxx -life you are not likely to be physically very robust, yet you will be able to xxxxr, more than persons who look vigorous. You will be very peculiar in all xxxx relating to diet and should be guided by your own instinct in But If you were born on any one of the dates which by natural additions add to “seven,” you will come under the designation of a “Number Seven” and you will find this number playing a most important role in your life. Its interchangeable number being a “two,” both it and xxxxx be nearly equally important as the “seven.”
These numbers and dates are likely to have a more xxxx between the 21ˢᵗ of June to August 30ᵗʰ, and between the end. You should endeavour to use the dates these numbers as much as possible in fixing appointments, and, if you can, you should try to hire in houses or apartments whose total, or last unit, makes one of these numbers.
Your most fortunate colours are pastel shades of green, dove-greys, orange, yellow or gold. You can also wear a combination of sapphire blue, but you should avoid very xxxx shades and black as much as possible.
Your “lucky” jewels in this case cover a wide range, such as the moonstone, diamonds, pearls, jade and amber.
The most important or climacteric years of your life are the 2ⁿᵈ, 11ᵗʰ, 20ᵗʰ,29ᵗʰ, 38ᵗʰ, 47ᵗʰ, 56ᵗʰ, 65ᵗʰ, 74ᵗʰ; 7ᵗʰ, 16ᵗʰ, 25ᵗʰ, 34ᵗʰ, 43ʳᵈ, 52ⁿᵈ, 61ˢᵗand 70ᵗʰ.
You will find a strong magnetic attraction to persons born in the series of the “two” or the “seven,” such as those born on the 2ⁿᵈ, 7ᵗʰ, 11ᵗʰ, 16ᵗʰ, 20ᵗʰ, 25ᵗʰ or 29ᵗʰ in any part of the year.